guns and kate?

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tony screamed a deafening scream.

ziva: tony what's the matter

ziva said worriedly

tony: Kate's dead!!!

ziva: Kate died years ago tony

tony: not person Kate, fish Kate!!

tony was now crying

ziva: we can get another fish

tony: but Kate was special

Amelia: we can have a funeral

tali: what's a funeral?

Amelia: where you bury dead people

a hour later everyone was dressed in black and made their way out to the back garden. 'it is a little over the top for a fish' everyone but tony thought. they buried Kate and tony said some words and cried.... a lot

ziva: Anna!

Anna: yes?

ziva: do you want a girly day out? we could invite Lucy Abby jenny and Alicia to.

Anna: sure but if we invite Lucy I want to push her!!

ziva smiled and went to call Abby whilst Anna got changed.

ziva: jenny can't come but Abby and Lucy can!

Anna: ok mum. I will go to Alicia's

Anna left and went to knock on Alicia's door. brody answered only in his boxers

Anna: ahhh my eyes seriously put some clothes on. wait why are you here. did you spend the night!

did you guys have sex!

brody: Anna! calm down yes I spent the night. no we did not have sex

Anna: shame I wanted a new baby to hold

brody just laughed and led her to Alicia who was sat up in bed

Anna: ziva wanted to know if you wanted to come on a girly day out with us but it looks like you are preoccupied

and with that she ran home

tony: so is she going?

Anna: no she is a little.... preoccupied

tony: WHAT!!

Anna: well brodys there so she is preoccupied


Anna: yeah but don't worry they didn't have sex unfortunately


Anna rolled her eyes and walked away leaving a mad tony where he was. half an hour later Lucy and Abby got to the DiNozzo-David household

Abby: hey guys you ready to leave!

Anna: yeah. have fun tony!!

Anna screamed before shutting the door.

they were in the mall and gunshots fired and the panic started when ziva looked at the victims she was shocked the only victims were her husband and son. written in blood next to them did you miss me?

so what you think then?

are tony and Shane dead?

bit of a Sherlock ending the did you miss me bit ;)

I don't really like this chapter :(

I might end this soon what do you think?

please vote and comment and follow me!!

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