Dinner out and jessica david

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Hi guys

Please tell me if you would like some more like drama in it and a new plot twist?

Tony: sweetcheeks?

Ziva: yes tony?

Tony: shall we all go out somewhere fancy and dress up tonight

Ziva: sure shall we tell the kids?

Tony: okay!

Ziva: hey kids come here please

They all sat around the picnic bench

Tony: as it is our last day here we decided to take you all out to a fancy meal is that okay?

Anna: sounds good to me

Shane: that's fine

Amelia: is a meal like tea?

Tony: yes milly a meal is tea

Amelia: yay! I will love to go then daddy

Everyone headed back to the hotel room to get ready the girls were in the bedroom whilst the boys used the bathroom. By 7pm everyone was ready and the boys headed out of the bathroom

Tony: wow Ziva you look amazing

She was wearing the same dress she wore undercover

Ziva: bring back any memories?

Tony: lots now would you do me the honour of being my date this evening

Ziva: please mr dinozzo the honour is all mine

Shane: and will you miss tali accompany me to the tea this evening

Shane said trying to act posh

Tali looked at him strange but agreed anyway

Tali: yes!!!

She started laughing

Shane took her arm to steady her

Amelia looked really sad being left out

Anna: Amelia would you like to come with me

Amelia: can I?

Anna: of course Amelia that's why I asked you

Amelia: love you Anna

Anna: love you too Amelia

They all walked down with their 'dates' and took a table

Tony placed his hand on zivas thigh under the table. Ziva didn't move it but did look questionably at him.

The pretty brunette waitress appeared one that tony would usually flirt with

Waitress: I'm Jessica and I will your waitress

Ziva: hello Jessie

Jessica: hi ziva!

Ziva: I thought you were still in Israel?

Jessica: and I thought you were in DC?

Ziva: I am we just came on holiday

Tony: care to explain

Ziva: oh yeah guys this is Jessica David. Jessica this is tony , my partner and husband and this is talia, Anna and Shane, my children

Jessie: nice to meet you

She then switched to Hebrew

Jessie: why don't they look like you

Ziva: Anna Amelia and Shane are adopted but we don't talk about that

Jessie switched back to English

Jessie: well I better take your orders or I won't have a jobs

Amelia: I want chicken nuggets please and a coke!

Ziva: make that a diet coke please

Jessie smiled

Tali: that please

She pointed to the same as Amelia

Anna: me and Shane will have a burger and salad and a coke each please

Ziva: um I will have the steak and chips and coke

Tony: I will have the same but with a beer

Jessie: I will be back with your meals soon

Ziva: bye

Tony: how do you know her?

Ziva: she's aunt netties sons wife they have a 5 year old daughter allie ziva David after me

Tony: well she is very nice

Half an hour later and our food arrived

Jessie: so how is everything

Tony: it's delicious

He said scoffing down more food

Jessie: so ziva, David has some work to do in Washington, D.C. So we were wondering if we could all visit you with allie of course

Ziva: course you can I havnt seen David or allie since allies first party

Jessie: well I got to go more customers to serve

Anna: so are we getting pudding

They finished their meal and headed back off to D.C. waiting for there next adventure to start

It's summer!!!!!!! ☀🌞☀🌞
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