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Anna's POV

Today we were going to set Ariana and Shaun up.

I went to Shane's room

Anna: Shaun you ready to meet Ariana

Shaun: um yeah

Anna: nervous

Shaun: yeah!

Anna: don't be you will love her

Shaun: she sounds nice

Anna: she is now we better get going the others are already downstairs

We got in the car and headed off to NCIS


I walked up to Ariana and hugged her and then said

Anna: Ariana meet Shaun, Shaun meet Ariana

Shaun walked up to her and kissed her hand

Ariana: hello um Anna you can go see jake now

I could tell she wanted some privacy

Anna: hey jake

Jake: why hello there Anna

I kissed him and when I pulled away tony was scowling

Anna: tony you don't have to look like that

Tony: it's your birthday tomorrow my little girl is growing up

Anna: I've only known you a year and I am hardly little

Tony: your tiny to me pumpkin

Jake: I have got you something special for your birthday

Anna: you didn't have to

Jake: but I wanted to

Anna: I love you

Jake: I love you too

Anna: looks like they hit it off

We looked over to Shaun and Ariana and they were kissing and passionately

Jake: that isn't a pretty sight

A man came around and handed us all a invite the invite said

Pairs ball NCIS annual dance
Dress up fancy and bring your loved ones
October 18th
6- late
Refreshments available

Jake: so miss Greenshaw dinozzo would you like to go with me

Anna: of course I would mr Gibbs

Jake: good

Zivas POV

I got the invite and looked at tony

Tony: zi would you like to go it will be like Berlin except we won't be chasing bad guys

Ziva: I would love to go with you

I kissed him and he kissed back

Tony: I love you ziva David dinozzo

Ziva: I love you to and can we get a dog

Tony: that's random

Ziva: but I want a dog

Tony: what sort

Ziva: a husky!! A baby husky!!

Gibbs: we have a case!!

Ziva: what have we got

Gibbs: two dead marines

We drove to the crime scene

When we got there I was bagging and tagging when I came across a note


Hello ziva

I hope you solve this case because lives will be lost if you do not
You are mine not dinozzos you loved me first

Love from


Oh no I thought

Ziva: Gibbs!

Gibbs: yes ziva

Ziva: I have a note to me

Gibbs: what does it say

I read it out to him

Gibbs: who is R?

Ziva: there's only one person I can think of

Gibbs: who

Ziva: ray

Gibbs: I'm gonna kill him if he touches you

Ziva: too late

Gibbs: what

Ziva: I said it was too late

Gibbs: what did he do ziva

Ziva: he beat me and raped me it was a miracle I had talia he said if I told anyone it would get worse I'm sorry

I started crying well this was embarrassing I felt Gibbs hug me

Ziva: I love you abba

Gibbs: love you to ziva

Ziva: so what's the plan with ray

Thanks for reading any ideas if where the story should go just comment and I will use any ideas if I like them 😄😉☺😘😄😃

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now