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Hi all I really need ideas of what could happen :) and if you want the baby to be a boy or girl and names please thanks xxx

Anna's POV

We were in pe with ziva and she was determine to kill us even though I was good at pe she made us run 4 miles on the treadmill (not sure if that is a lot or not but pretend it is) and then we had to take on people in the ring me and Lucy went against each other and I won which wasn't a surprise. By the end I was in desperate need of a shower

Next was drama then science then history and then art

Drama was fun because we were doing fake punches and kicks and I 'accidently' kicked Shane in the face which tony was not impressed about then science was fun because Abby being Abby went all out in trying to make the lesson fun but learning at the same time and lets just say there was a minor explosion in the lab but no one was hurt thankfully
History was boring because we were learning about the war and we were in autopsy so I got side tracked by a dead body. Then art was good we were drawing doodle things and Jenny came round and checked out our doodles and she was more impressed with the girls then the boys

It was finally time for going dress shopping I met everyone back at the squad room and me Lucy Jenny ziva abby and Amelia went to get dresses whilst the guys got tuxes we also brought Breena along as ziva felt sorry for her and asked her to be the 5th bridesmaid

We first picked out a dress for Amelia and it was a little dark purple dress which came down to her knees and had a few jewels over it

Then we picked out a dress for me Lucy Breena and Jenny it was also dark purple which came down to the floor and had jewels on and had a matching clutch and shoes

Because Abby was head bridesmaid we got her a black dress which came down to the floor and in jewels was mini spider webs (it was very Abby) it also came with a matching clutch and high heels

Next was the all important wedding dress. Ziva spent ages looking through shops and at 6:56 she found the perfect one I thought she may want to hurry up as the store closed at 7. But the agreed to leave it open a little later for us. The dress she chose was gorgeous it was strapless and had lots of jewels at the top and little flowers in jewels down the side and fitted her body perfectly. Everyone started to tear up. Then something struck me.

The scars she has so many you could see them perfectly on the exposed pieces of skin and you could tell they ran longer down her body. I was going to talk to her about it when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder it was Jenny

Jenny: not now shes happy. Later

She whispered

Anna: how did you even know

Jenny: I live with Gibbs. That should explain things

I chuckled and turned my attention back to ziva. The dress came with white high heels and a vale and a small tiara. We all went home after to find men and 3 boys all in tuxes asleep on the sofa it was too cute to miss so everyone took a picture

It was Gibbs with jake curled up to his side then it was tony with shane next to him and palmer with felicity in his arms and ducky next to them. Then McGee was on the end with kian in between McGee and ducky

All the girls: awwww!

Sorry it's quite a boring chapter but PLEASE COMMENT WHAT I SHOULD DO I REALLY NEED IDEAS!!! Xx


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