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Hey thanks for reading I would still like some ideas

Zivas POV

It was the wedding day and I was very nervous Abby was doing my hair in ringlets but I refused to let her do my make up

I wore natural make up and I had Anna come and help me put make up on my scars

Anna: why do you have scars

Ziva: because a bad man gave them to me

Anna: I'm not 5 you can tell me what happened

Ziva: well um about 4 ish years ago my father sent me away on a suicide mission to Somalia where I was taken prisoner and the man in charge selim beet me with whips and anything he could get his hands on I got the message my father wasnt coming to save me so I accepted the fact I was going to die here but then tony and McGee got captured to save me and Gibbs shot selim that's when I realised NCIS was my real family

Anna: it's a horrible story but a nice ending

Ziva: yes I guess it is now its time to get going or we will be late

Everyone piled into 3 cars it was

Me+ Gibbs


Jenby+Abby+ Amelia

We all made it one time and the ceremony was beautiful and everyone started crying

Me and tony shared our first kiss as misses and mister dinozzo

We had our first dance to little things by one direction and then everyone joined in on a slow song that I sang before the bar I was in blew up. I looked over an saw jake and Anna dancing like a real adult couple then I looked at Shane and Lucy and he kept whispering stuff in her ear whilst awkwardly dancing but when I looked over at kian he was sat next to the seat we had designated to Jemima he had tears on the side of his eyes as he held something in his hand

At this moment I was dancing with Gibbs and I looked up at him and he whispered something in my ear

Gibbs: you can go

Ziva: thank you

Gibbs: congrats ziva

Ziva: thank you Gibbs

I smiled and went to see kian

Ziva: hey kian

Kian: hi

Ziva: what's the matter

Kian: well I see everyone dancing with there partners and my partner is gone and I will never get her back

Ziva: I think she will be watching over you. She loved you ya know

Kian: I know, I was going to give her this before she died I buried the other one with her but this is my one

He showed me a beautiful promise ring it was a little ring with a blue heart on and on the inside of his it said kian on it. It was very sweet

Ziva: she would have loved it

Kian: thanks for making me feel better ziva

Ziva: it's ok kian

Me and tony went on our honeymoon a few days later and guess where we went. PARIS!!

Next chapter I will fast forwood until ziva is 9 months pregnant and use NCISGirl345 idea I still need names and gender of the baby I have no clue.. Xx

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now