The basement?

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Zivas POV

I heard him coming to the bedroom I was cowering in the corner and locked the door even though i knew this would make him angrier

Ray: open this door now ziva

Ziva: never

I saw the lock in the door twist and in came a furious ray. His dark chocolate eyes turned a shade darker

He got me onto the bed and tied me up and started to undo my shirt I had on. And then in button my jeans and went towards my bra

Ziva: NO!!!

Ray: wake up ziva

Confusion filled my face

I felt someone shaking me when i came back into the world of the living

I woke up drenched in sweat and a worried looking tony stood above me

Tony: do you want to talk about it

I shook my head and he climbed back into the bed beside me. He cuddled up close and put his arms around me. I snuggled up close to him and felt his warm lips on my bare shoulder

Tony: I love you sweet cheeks

Ziva: love you too my hairy but

Soon I heard soft snoring beside me.

In the morning I woke in the same position

Tony: good morning beautiful

Ziva: good morning handsome

He smiled whilst opening the curtains

I made breakfast whilst the boys got ready then after we ate and me and amelia got ready and we all headed to work

Gibbs: morning you four

Amelia: mmmm

That is one letter she can pronounce

We all got on with trying to find our children

Anna's POV

I was in hand cuffs tied to a cell with a piece of cloth in my mouth tali was led down on a piece of rag I guess ray didn't see her as a threat but then who would.

At least she was asleep

Ray entered and I started squirming

Ray: calm down child now how about you start with your name

He took the rag out

Anna: my name is Anna

He hit me around the face but even though it hurt ziva taught me not to let anyone see that you are hurting

Ray: so much like ziva you are. She has taught you well like hiding your emotions. So Anna do you have a boyfriend

Anna: yes

Ray: have you kissed him

Anna: I don't see how this is relevant but yes I have kissed him

Ray: exactly what I said your just like ziva a slut

Anna: me and ziva are not sluts

Ray: you are just a child but really you know nothing about ziva she dosent even relise we are in your basement that is how much she cares about you

Anna: how do I not know ziva

Ray: well she loved some one else whilst she was about to marry me. You know this is her second time of being married and 3rd of being proposed to.

Anna: who else did she marry

Ray: she was 15 and married her brothers best friend it was legal to marry at that age back then. She then killed him because he raped her.

Anna: wow. Do you know why she has scars on her back

Ray: probably Somalia but you will have to ask her about that it is not my place to tell. Now back to business

He brought in a sharp knife and took off my trousers and cut a R in a heart into my inner thigh he lingered around that area for a moment and ran his fingers along my bare legs and stopped when he got to my pants he stroked over the top of my pants then got up and walked away before he left he smiled a sickly smile

I suddenly relised I still had my phone in my pocket

I easily slipped from the cuffs and grabbed my phone and quickly texted ziva

It's Anna your basement help quick

My phone was dying so I clicked send and it died I just hope they got it. I put my phone away and ray walked back in with a bigger knife and gun and whip and lifted up my top and begun to whip me

In the office:

Zivas POV

My phone beeped indicating I had a message when I read it I was

I got up and said

Ziva: gear up

Gibbs looked at me strange

Ziva: I have a lead Anna just texted she's in our basement

Everyone got there stuff and ran for the elevator I drove and got to my house minutes later we slowly crept down to the basement and found a baby crying and a teenage girl huddled in the corner with a man hovering above her

Gibbs: put your hands on your head ray

Ray did so

Ray: I don't care if she isn't dead the memory will last forever and her being broken by me will haunt you forever ziva

At this speech he then fell to the ground but no one shot him. There was a knife in his back and the only one behind him was Anna

Ziva: good shot Anna now lets get to the hospital and then as soon as we can go home we can have your faviourite spaghetti Balinese

I tried to lighten the mood and heard sirens outside

Bit late I thought

Anna was carted off to hospital and then it was a matter of waiting which isn't easy when you are so eager to know information

Sorry I updated so late but I had explorers (if you don't know what it is. It is the section up from scouts) please vote and comment and follow xx not sure if I like this chapter it's not very nice

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