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Zivas POV

No tali can't be raised by this bastard I won't let it. Tony is a complete idiot I won't forgive him for this.

Ben: hello ziva ready for your daughter to be mine

Ziva: I will protect her

Ben: oh like you did kaitlyn your pathetic ziva. Your husband is giving over your baby for you

Ziva: he won't do it

Ben: what do you mean

Ziva: well can you just kill me then and let tali stay with tony

Ben: hmm I don't think so but don't worry I will train her to be a killer and my daughter and then I will send her back to kill you so actually be worried

Ziva: why

Ben: why not

I scoffed at him

Ben: lets get going

He uncuffed me he was expecting me to fight but I couldn't I was too weak

Ben laughed and dragged me to his truck.

A few minutes later we arrived on a familiar street...mine.

I could see tony walking towards us with talia in his arms

Ziva: tony what are you doing

I managed to choke out

Tony: ziva I'm sorry I love you

Ziva: your an idiot dinozzo I want a divorce!

Tony: you don't mean that

Ziva: yes I do

Ben: so the swap

Tony: ziva first then I promise I will give you tali but we just have to say goodbye

Ben: whatever

He threw ziva onto the floor by Tony's feet

Tony: we have to run now ziva!

Ziva got up and ran as fast as she could but couldn't run. Tony noticed this and gave her tali as he picked them both up bridal style and ran. I could hear guns behind me but I didn't care I just gripped hold of his shirt and held him close and closed my eyes trying to block out the sound. Tony put me into the car and drove to NCIS where we would see ducky

Ziva: hey duck

I said quietly

Ducky: oh ziva you look terrible

Ziva: thanks?

Ducky: just sit up here

I sat on the autopsy table

Ducky: you have fractured most of your ribs a couple are borken then you have significant bruising and cuts everywhere and a few broken teeth you are also extreamly de-hydrated but these can all be felt with here and I will deal with all the wounds tomorrow just take these

Ducky handed me a bottle of water and tablets and I gulped it all down

Tony: so that divorce

I shot him a glare and he smiled

Ziva: I was joking

Tony: course you were

Ziva: I love you Anthony dinozzo

Tony: I love you too ziva David dinozzo

Tony leaned down and kissed me passionetly until they heard a giggle from a baby

Tali's bright green eyes had a sparkle in them as she looked up at her parents the same way Tony's did when he looks at me or the kids wait the kids

Ziva: tony where are my other 3 children

Tony: Abby's lab it's late they are probably sleeping

Ziva: I need to speak with Anna she probably hates me how could I say I wanted Emily, Emily's horrible I need Anna

Tony:no you need sleep but we might as well stay here I don't fancy waking the kids

Ziva: hey ducky!

Ducky: yes ziva

Ziva: do you have any blankets and pillows we can borrow

Ducky: you know I think I do actually

He came out a few minutes later with one blanket and one pillow

Ducky: I could only find these. Well I'm heading off night Anthony, ziva and little talia

Tony and ziva: night ducky

I took tali as tony took the stuff and we headed to the squad room

When we got there, there was a note left on our desks

To tony, ziva

Me, Abby, Shane, Anna, Amelia, Lucy, kian and jake are all in Abby's lab please do not wake Gibbs and Jenny we do not need a grumpy boss in the morning

McGee x

I looked at Gibbs desk and smiled at the picture. Gibbs was sat in his chair with it tilted back whilst Jenny was in his lap curled up and clinging to his shirt they were both sound asleep.

Tony: aww they're really cute

Ziva: yeah

I yawned

Tony: lets go to sleep

Tony grabbed a small box and a long rag from Gibbs desk and his travel pillow an d put tali inside she went to sleep instantly. He placed the box next to where we were planning on sleeping and then they set up their 'bed' next to my desk. We got settled and I was facing away from tony and he cuddled close and played with my dark brown locks until we both fell asleep peacefully. Bring on tomorrow.

Thanks for reading please comment vote and follow sorry for bad gramma I was tired and this is rushed I have a new story called tiva story so please read that and tell me what you think!

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