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Jemima POV

People started waking up when my dad Walked in.

Dad: looks like people have started waking up. You have 35 minutes to make your decision Jemima

Ziva: she isn't going any where

Dad: oh ziva shut up or you will pay

Ziva: I will talk if I want to talk

Dad span around and and punched ziva in the stomach and then in the face and one directly at her mouth

Dad: now you won't

You could see his punches had done some damage as her nose was bleeding and her jaw was hanging at a odd angle. Tony had a tear rolling down his face and whispered something to ziva that I couldn't here

McGees and Abby's house :

McGees POV

McGee Abby Lucy and kian were all have tea as a family. When Lucy mentioned she could here a ticking noise he found the ticking noise from under the sofa and it was a bomb. I cursed under my breath

Abby: what is it

McGee: A BOMB every one out ill call Gibbs

There was no answer strange I thought i tried Jenny still no answer I tried ziva and tony still I got the same results my last result was to phone the kids when I called jake I got an answer

McGee: jake are you there

Dad: this is not jake

McGee:who are you

Dad:jake and jemimas dad

McGee:why do I have a bomb in my house which I am expecting is down to you and arnt you dead

Dad: I'm not going to tell you why you have a bomb in your house but listen to me you will not try and look for ziva David,Anthony dinozzo,leroy jefro Gibbs,Jennifer Shepard or any of the kids if I find out one will die good bye

Like I was going to listen but how do I track them.

Back at warehouse:

Tony's POV

It hurt to see ziva in pain I wanted to hold her close but my hands were bound to the wall I wanted to give my little children water and food but I could not do that I felt hopeless

Jake and jemimas dad walked back in

Dad:Jemima darling I hope you have made a decision time is nearly up

Jemima: yes

She wispered

Dad:and that is

Jemima: I will come with you as long as no one gets hurt and let them leave now and disarm that bomb

Dad: good girl goodbye people

he gave everyone there phones back and chucked all zivas knives at her one went in her shoulder but she didn't care she was free. Now they needed to get Jemima back and fast or she will be in danger...

Sorry again for bad grammer and wording may sound like a 4 year olds not a 14 year olds but hay any way please please COMMENT AND VOTE and FOLLOW For more

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