Tony and zivas date?

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Ziva: kids! Jenny texted and wants to know if you would like to go there for a sleep over

Shane: yeah we all will

Tony walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around ziva small waist and pulled her up to sit on the counter. She laughed and leaned down to attach her lips to his.

Ziva: a year ago I would never have done this

Ziva whispered on his lips

Tony: well thankfully you are now because you would have driven me crazy if we waited any longer. I love you ziva

Ziva: I love you more tony

Tony: not possible

Ziva: it is!

Tony: to prove it is not possible to love me more than I love you I am going to cool you dinner tonight

Ziva: since when do you cook?

Tony: a true Italian knows how to cook

Ziva: well tony I will look forward to it

She jumped off the counter excepting him to move but of course he didn't so she ended up close... Very close

There foreheads were touching so ziva closed the gap again

Anna: sorry to interrupt this but we are all ready

Ziva just smiled and pushed out from tony. They walked to Gibbs house and were left in piece finally

Ziva: when you have kids you have no privacy

Tony: you love them

Ziva and tony walked back to there place hand in hand enjoying each others company

Tony: well if you stay upstairs and I stay downstairs. I really want this to be a surprise

Ziva: see you in a bit

Tony kissed ziva quickly before she disappeared upstairs before he turned to the cooker and started to prepare dinner

In zivas room she took out a dark purple knee length dress. It was tight on the top half but the bottom half was more of a summer dress style

Ziva applied a small amount of make up and started on her hair. She left it curled. Just the way tony liked it. And left it dangling down her back.

Tony had set the table out and even had time to go and by roses. He took zivas iPod and put it into the docking station and hit the shuffle button. Tony put on his suit which he kept down stairs and started to dish up there meal

Tony walked upstairs to get ziva

Tony: wow babe you look fantastic

Ziva: thanks tony you look very sexy

Tony smiled and dimmed the lights

He put his hands over her eyes and led her down the stairs to the kitchen and let go of her

Ziva: wow when you said you could cook I didn't think it would be burgers and fries

Tony just smiled

Tony: well these are for you sweetcheeks

He handed her the dozen roses and she smiled and placed them in a vase replacing the ones he brought her last week.

He tucked her in like a true gentle man

Ziva: your burgers actually taste good

Tony: why thanks mrs David-dinozzo us dinozzo men like to treat our woman with respect

Ziva: what was your family like when you were younger

Tony: that is a touchy subject darling

Ziva: I can support you if you tell me what was your child hood like

Tony: you have to tell me what yours was like as well

Ziva: sure

Tony: my mum died when I was 10 and that's when dads drinking obsession came about. You see what i have never told anyone is that my mother died in child birth. I have a sister ziva

Ziva: where is she

Tony: I don't know. Child services took her away she would be twenty now. But I will find her somehow. I don't even know her name

Ziva: so you have a sister care to share why you didn't tell me this before

Tony: I don't know zi. I wanted to but every time I was going to I ended up talking about something else anyway your turn

Ziva: well I joined Mossad at like 10 when my mother and sister died. I didn't want to. I wanted to be a dancer but dad said that is what week people did so he broke me and I was his best agent. Then he sent me to stop Gibbs from killing ari but I killed him instead simple

Tony: how many knives do you own?

Ziva: that's really random but hmm around 10-20 I own a fair amount I would like more though

Tony: why would you need 10 in the first place 1 or 2 is plenty

Ziva: you can never have enough knives

They evening went on like that and never again did ziva or tony bring up the past and lets just say they both had a very enjoyable end to the night if you know what I mean

The next morning they both had work and Gibbs told them that tony should go in first whilst ziva collects the kids and takes all there stuff back

They finally got to NCIS and ziva found tony laughing and talking to a young girl she couldn't be more than 20


Tony quickly turned his head around to see a pissed off ziva he then realised what it must have looked like and laughed a little

Ziva: care to explain

The pretty blonde walked up to ziva and held out her hand which ziva took

Girl: my name is Alicia summer dinozzo. I am Tony's sister

I added a bit more tiva in there.
Sorry it's not very good I wrote this at 11:30pm
Loopylou_05- don't even make a comment about the name I couldn't find a different one that fitted :)
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