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Jake POV

I got home and and walked to my bedroom to get changed and there on my mirror was a note in a red substance which I hope was not blood

It said
I told you I would kill her eventually and that time came when she escaped and ran back to you guys now I lost my daughter so I shall get you and your friends look out jake

From dad x

I screamed and Jenny and Gibbs came rushing through the door

They read the message and Jenny grabbed me whilst Gibbs grabbed his phone and called everyone and told them to go to NCIS

He called:

Ziva and tony

Abby and McGee


Palmer and Breena

Even Coast guard Abby as she was a close friend

We arrived and ziva and tony and Anna and Shane and Amelia were there

Ziva: what's this about

Gibbs: I will explain when everyone gets here just make a circle for about 16 people

Ziva: yes boss

In the next 20 minuites everyone started arriving

Wow there's a lot of people here I walk over to Anna

Anna: do you know what's going on

Jake: yeah I think Gibbs is about to tell us

Everyone took there seats

Gibbs: hello everyone you are proberly wondering why I called you here, well when I got home today jake found a message in his mirror in a red substance which looks a lot like blood we would like Abby to run it and the message said

I told you I would kill her eventually and that time came when she escaped and ran back to you guys now I lost my daughter so I shall get you and your friends look out jake

From dad x

Gibbs: we think he is talking about all of you

Ziva: they can't take anyone else he just can't

She broke down into tears. And it was the first time she had ever cried in front of people but if only it was the last...

Thanks for reading :D xx

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