New house, New start

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"Zee-Vah" Tony said

"To-Nee" Ziva retorted

"Not cool Ziva not cool. Anyway you know we are living the American dream and all, I was wondering can we go looking for a house tomorrow, with the kids maybe"

"Okay, what are we looking for?" Ziva asked

"5 or 6 bedrooms, large garden for a dog? And maybe a pool?" Tony suggested

"Sounds good but I also want a large kitchen/ diner and balcony" Ziva said

"A balcony? We could reenact romeo and Juliet" Tony cheered

"Romeo and Juliet die at the end" Ziva casually said

"Spoilers!" He shouted out

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were so passionate about Romeo and Juliet!" She laughed


I really like this story so do continue what you are doing I read each and every comment on here as well !!

Zivas POV

Tony and I were going to look at houses today along with Anna and Shane we decided against the idea of bringing Amelia because she gets hyper. So we decided to leave her at Gibbs house last night. I thought it would be a good idea to treat the kids and tony to pancakes and whatever they wanted on them so I booked a table at pancake mania across the street for 9am and it was 7am already I decided to wake tony

Ziva: tony wake up. I purred into his ear

Tony: one more Minute Zi. He replied sleepily

Well there's always plan two i thought and grabbed the glass of water from the side and poured it slowly into his ear

Tony: ZIVA that was completely unnecessary

Ziva: well considering we have to be at a food place in 2 hours and you still need to have a shower and get dressed I think it was completely necessary

Tony: what food place is it.

Ziva pancake mania

Tony: you could have told me it was that one. I LOVE PANCAKE MANIA!!! Thanks ziva for getting us a table. I love you!

Ziva: I love you to tony. Now seriously get in the shower

Tony: are you coming in with me

Ziva: no I have already had my shower

He put on the puppy dog eyes so I walked out the because I knew I would not be able to resist puppy dog eyes

I walked into Anna's bedroom and saw her peaceful sleeping I hated to wake her but I did anyway

Ziva: Anna honey you need to get up now

Anna: where are we going

Ziva: to pancake mania

Anna: is that the one tony is always on about.

She opened her eyes and sat up on her bed

Ziva: yes

Anna: well it has to be good then doesn't it. I will get up and have a shower when tony stops that racket in his

I realised tony had been singing all this time and the thing is he's a really bad singer

Ziva: TONY I shouted

Tony: yes my dear

Ziva: your racket is disturbing us all.

I said indicating to Shane who was now stood in front of his door rubbing his eyes. He looked quite funny wearing Tony's t-shirt he adopted the first day they were home because it was too big he decided to wear it as a night dress

Anna: well clear off out of my room ziva so I can get dressed and tony shut up and Shane get out of the dress we are going to a restraunt

Ziva: you heard the lady

2 hours later

Shane's POV

Ziva: everyone ready?

I nodded

We walked out the apartment and Anna and tony speeded off but I held back with ziva.

Ziva: what's wrong Shane

Shane: it's nothing

Ziva: no tell me

Shane: ok well I like this girl but I don't know if she likes me back

Ziva: have you asked her

Shane: no

Ziva: give me your phone

I handed it to her

She quickly got tapping a way

She handed it back

Shane: what did you do

Ziva: asked her if she wanted to go to the movies tommorow night

Shane: how did you know who it was

Ziva: she's your lock screen it was kinda easy to guess

Shane: thanks ziva. I will tell you what she says

Ziva: I think you should ask your sister considering they are best friends

Shane: well she likes jake and he's my best friend

Ziva: thanks for that information

Shane: oh no she told me not to tell anyone

Ziva: it's ok she won't mind

We jogged up to the others who were already at our table

Tony's POV

Tony: got here eventually

Ziva: we had to do something

Tony: what was that

Ziva: none of your business

She smiled at Shane and he smiled back. Something was going on and me and Anna knew it

Tony: well let's order then

Anna: I'm having a pancake with chocolate ice cream and orange juice

Tony: I'm going to have a big pancake with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles and a coffee

Ziva: ill just have a pancake with lemon and sugar with a tea

Tony: your so boring ziva!

She gave me the evils so I gave them back until Anna patted me on the arm and Shane patted ziva

Shane and Anna: now now children don't get angry

We all burst out laughing

Tony: ok ok what are you having Shane

Shane: I will have the same as Anna

Tony: ok

We all ate in mostly silence

Ziva : so how do you feel about coming house searching with us

Anna and Shane: we would love that

Ziva: great

Anna: would it mean I get my own room!!

Ziva: yes it would

Thanks for reading the next chapter will be the house searching

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