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People who read theese I think you may enjoy my other two NCIS fan fictions= hot or not NCIS style (20 ish chapters)
Or high school NCIS

Jakes POV

Jake: dad...

Dad: jake boy I gave you clear instructions to kill Anna or you will die but now I think I will kill Anna and her siblings and your precious new parents and Jemima even though Jemima is my daughter who I'm supposed to protect so I will give Jemima a choice

Jemima: what

She sniffled

Dad: you can come with me and live a nice life or you can watch your friends die and just so you know there is a bomb planted at the McGees house that they don't know about and is set to go off in 1 hour so make your mind up Jemima oh I almost forgot hand over your guns and follow me

Tony reluctently handed jake and jemimas dad his gun only because he had Jemima at gun point. Gibbs and Jenny also gave up the guns and as they did so Gibbs drifted his hand over Jenny's for reassurance

Ziva was the hardest to convince as Jemimas life threat wasnt working he shoved Jemima to the floor and picked up a sleeping body of Amelia and held her in his arms and aimed the gun and the little figures head. Then ziva had no choice but to give up her gun

Dad: your Mossad so I know that you will have more than 1 weapon

Ziva POV

I handed him my spare gun and my knives from either sock and my spare knife in a place you don't want to know

He then dropped Amelia back into Shane's arms that he only managed to Catch nearly dropping her but still she did not even stir

Jakes and Jemimas dad then walked over to me and did a search all over. Spending a little to much time in certain areas

Dad: you must be ziva David your a pretty one

He whispered as he cupped my cheek and picked one of my knives and cut where his fingers had been moments before but I was taught not to show emotion how ever much it hurt so I just kept It inside I could see Anna and tony look away as they couldn't watch

Finally he moved on and checked every one including the still sleeping figure of Amelia I mean seriously she's 4 she dosent carry a knife even though I did

Dad: follow me and remember my men are armed

We all followed him into a ware house where we were drugged and chained up onto the wall even Amelia and Jemima

I just hoped McGee and Abby will be clever enough to find us I do not want any one getting hurt

Thanks for reading next chapter will proberly be tommorow after school (sighs) school starts again tommorow next chapter will be based on the scutio McGees.. Hopefully sorry for spelling mistakes and bad grammer but I'm 14 not a English teacher

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now