Talias special moment and nightmares

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Ray was dead for real this time. Anna came home from the hospital a few days later but still did not trust men fully not even Shane or tony

Tony's POV

Anna avoiding me was horrible I was curled up holding ziva so she didn't have a nightmare but it didn't help I could hear Anna screaming and ziva started aswell I rushed into Anna's room and woke her up. Her eyes shot open and held me tight. I picked her up and carried her into mine and zivas room and woke up ziva.

Ziva: tony hold me

Tony: I will hold both of you

I put Anna beside me and put a arm around both of my girls. They fell asleep instantly. Even though I wasnt comfy they were and I won't care to lose a few hours of sleep if it means they gain it

Talia awoke at 4:38 so I decided not to wake ziva.

I got up and rocked tali slowly an spoke to her

I walked to the pictures and showed them too her

Tony: look tali this is your family

I showed her the one of all of the team and kids

Tony: that's me and that's Gibbs he may look scary but he is really a big softy inside. Then that's McGee or you can call him uncle Tim or probie or mc something. That's Abby you can call her auntie Abby like your big sister Amelia does and that's Jenny calling her grandma Jenny may annoy her so call her auntie Jenny. Then there's ducky who won't mind if you call him grandad ducky just don't go down to autopsy without my permission you may not like it but then you might being zivas child and all. Well then there is palmer and Breena with little felicity who is only a bit older than you so you should be friends and guess what Breena is pregnant with number 2 so you get another one!then there is Abby boran who works on the coast guard and is very good friends with us. Then right in the middle is your mummy holding you. Then there is all your siblings and jake Lucy and kian and Ariana. The only person missing is Jemima I'm sure you would have loved her she was beautiful and intelligent but was taken from us far too early.

Talia lifted her fingers up and held the picture frame I helped her do this and she brought the picture to her face and kissed it. That was a truly special moment

She smiled a toothless grin at me

Tony: who's a clever girls who's a clever girl

I cooed

She started to yawn and her green eyes were slowly shutting I decided to put her to bed

I went back to the girls and my space was taken I decided to have a shower and get ready. Me and ziva had work today and the kids had "school" by the time I was dressed it was 6:00 I still had 3 hours to go till work. I headed down stairs.

I checked Anna and Shane's timetable and saw they had pe (dance) which should be entertaining I am definitely going to watch
Woodwork which NCIS has agreed to let Gibbs use a room to put materials in and will also double as a classroom

Amelia had

Speach sessions with anyone who wasnt working or in a lesson
Writing and spelling and handwriting
The speech took up most of the day

I made some coffee and a few minuites later ziva and Anna left for their run. By the time they got back it was 8 and they were all sweaty

Tony: how much did you run

Anna: 5 miles

Tony: wow..

Ziva: going to shower

Anna: me to

I woke up Shane and got talia dressed I put on one of my faviourite items for her which was a light pink top with my mummy's a ninja on it

I also put her in some baby blue jeans

I held her in my arms and played with her curly brown locks

In many ways she looked like ziva she had the same tanned skin and dark brown curly hair the only thing you could tell she was mine was the eyes being a light green

When everyone was ready it was 8:37 and it took us 30 mins normal driving so we would be late

Ziva: please tony can I drive

Tony: no sweet cheeks I care dearly for my life.

Ziva: I will drive slower

She gave me the puppy dog eyes she knew I could not resist

Tony: fine

She did a in ziva like squel

Tony: you have spent to much time with Abby

Ziva: no I have spent to much time with you at the airport I quoted a movie!!!

Tony: ohh which one

Ziva: Peter Pan

Tony: the joys of having kids

Ziva: you are not a kid

Tony: I was talking about the four kids sat in the car

Ziva: your the one that wants to watch the movie

Tony: because it's good just drive ziva

Ziva: what do you think I'm doing

We got to the NCIS building at around 8:57 so we were early due to zivas driving

Now it was lesson time

I decided to do the lessons next chapter as it is now 10pm here and would take me ages to write and I am pretty tired please vote comment and follow

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