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Tony's POV

Ziva got discharged 3 weeks later and we were at home settling with the kids who we have decided to adopt but not told them yet.

"Ziva shall we buy a bigger house because Amelia and Anna need there own rooms" I ask her

"Yes I agree I think we should start looking" She says and I smile

"Ziva I need a drink" Amelia signed.

"Ok would you like water or orange juice" Ziva signed back

"water please " She signed

Ziva handed the small girl the cup and she smiled.

"I did not know you could sign, I feel like the only one who can't" I complained

"That's because you are the only one who can't even Abby can" Ziva laughed.

"Let's go out for dinner and tell the kids about the adoption" I say.

"Okay if you are paying"

"Wouldn't have it any other way sweet cheeks" And gave her a charming smile.

"Kids!" Ziva shouted

"Yes!" They shouted back.

"Come here and bring Amelia" Ziva said

They came down the stairs and Amelia sat on Anna's side.

"We are going out for tea so go and put on something nice!" She signed and spoke

"Okay Ziva" They said politely.

1800: At the restaurant

We were at an American style diner, When a group of teenage boys came in and were eyeing up Anna well I couldn't blame them she was beautiful especially with the ringlets but I also had a wave of protectiveness come other me and I could tell Shane did to.

One of the guys came other and stroked her cheek completely oblivious to the rest of us here I heard her tell him to go away but he wouldn't listen so It was my turn to step in

"Hey she said leave her alone" I stand up

"Yeah and what you gonna do about it" He says smugly.

"I am a federal agent which means I could put you away for harassment" I said.

"Oh yeah show me your gun" The teenager said, like he didn't believe me.

I got out my gun and hand cuffs.

"That another proof or should I take you to the head quarters?" I ask smirking.

"I'm sorry sir I didn't mean any trouble by it" He says and ran away.

"Yeah jog on" Tony shouts after him and then sits down calmly.

"Thanks Tony" Anna said.

"No problem" I say

"Well now that he's gone Tony and I have some exciting news" Said Ziva

"We have decided to adopt you!" Ziva signed and spoke.

"YAY!" The kids cheered.

That was the last happy moment before our world got tipped upside down.

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