Ziva for tali?

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Tony's POV

We still had not found ziva or have any trace of ziva. Anna still believes it is her fault even though we all try to convince her it isn't but that dosent work

My phone started ringing

Tony: hello?

Ben: why hello there agent dinozzo

I signalled for McGee to trace it

Tony: hello who is this

Ben: you don't need to know my name but I will Finnish what my sister started.

Tony: what do you want

Ben: your baby I believe you have a little girl am I correct

Tony: yes I have 3 little girls

Ben: well I would like your youngest

Tony: no!

I could here ziva crying in the background

Ben: oh don't worry I won't kill her like my sister did with kaitlyn Abigail I will raise her to be my own

Tony: kaitlyn Abigail who's that

Ben: your daughter dinozzo and zivas

Tony: why do you think I would give you tali

Ben: oh tali is it nice name and because otherwise I will kill ziva your choice you have till midnight tomorrow to choose I will call you again then goodbye agent dinozzo

Tony: go to hell

Then the line went dead

I look hopefully at McGee

McGee: sorry tony it was bouncing all over the place

Gibbs: who is it

Tony: that's the thing boss I don't know I know he has a sister possibly dead or in jail and his sister has a connection to killing kaitlyn Abigail my daughter

Gibbs: when?

Tony: I don't know I have to talk to ziva

Gibbs: what did he want

Tony: to have and raise talia and if I give her I get ziva back

Gibbs: you can't give up a miracle tali was a miracle

Tony: then we need a plan

Gibbs: I think I have a idea

He told me and McGee his plan and it would involve tali and ziva both in danger but it was all we had. I hate this bastard

Gibbs: so we all got the plan

Tony: yes I will bring tali with me to meet Ben then he will hand over ziva before I hand over tali then we try running if that fails we start shooting sorry Gibbs but it sounds like there are a lot of risks

Gibbs: do you have a better idea

Tony: unfortunately not

Midnight the next day:

My phone rang

Ben: hello dinozzo

Tony: hello person I really do need a name

Ben: my name is Benjamin uhlam

Tony: Saleems brother?

Ben: very good how you made the connection

Tony: curse you son of a bitch

Ben: please do mind your language I am in the presence of a lady

I growled

Ben: so have you made a decision

Tony: yes

Ben: which is

Tony: you can have talia in exchange for ziva

I heard ziva try and scream but that was soon silenced as a defining crack came through the phone

Ben: well then meet me tomorrow lunch time in the alley by your house

Tony: very well

I hung up and all eyes were on me

Tony: what if this dosent work?

Thanks for reading please vote and comment and follow I know this is short and probably not that good sorry!!!! Havnt put a disclaimer for a while so- I don't own NCIS but I do own the characters I made up please don't copy them!!!!!!

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