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warning!!!! rape is in this chapter. don't like then don't read :).

sorry haven't updated for ages I'm on holiday in Italy!!!! please comment and vote. no hate for this chapter please. it will get better :)

disclaimer: don't own NCIS. I do own the kids :) xx

sorry if it is confusing I did not intend for it to be :)

Lucy's POV

I was sat in my wheelchair looking out of the window. I knew I had made a decision and someone will notice her gone very soon and like someone had read my mind I hear the small knock of a young child

Amelia: open up Lucy!

I opened the door to the 6 year old frantically searching my room for her sister

Lucy: she isn't here Amelia

Amelia's face went into a cute pout

Amelia: I will go ask mum and dad

she then walked off. a few minuites later everyone was called into the living room for a family meeting

tony: you are probably wondering why I called you here

Ariana: no duh!

Abby borin scowled at Ariana

tony: thanks for that! anyway Anna is missing.

there was a audience of gasps

ziva: does anybody know anything

Lucy shied away.

ziva: Lucy?

Lucy: okay okay she told me not to say but she was sick of this place. we all are!

ziva: Lucy! why didn't you tell us!!

Lucy: I'm sorry!

meanwhile with Anna:

I could hear voices. where the hell am I!

voice: you weren't suppose to kill her

I decided to open my eyes there stood to big men both staring intensly at me

Anna: where am I?

man: good you didn't kill her

the man dragged me up and tied me to the chair.

the other man: careful James her mother is Mossad tie it tighter

my hands were going numb

man: I know what I'm doing ari

ari? I know that name but from where?

a little girl around 4 walked in she had hey black hair and green eyes she had it in pigtails I chuckled at the sight she reminded me a lot of Abby.

little girl: daddy, mummy is ill again

man that we now know is called James: okay Lydia why don't you take Anna here back to your room.

Anna: that's your daughter!!

James didn't reply but untied Anna. Lydia took her hand

lydia: he isn't my dad by the way he just makes us call him that. I don't know why

ari unlocked a small cage which had a few other girls in one was my age she had blue eyes and blonde hair. a little girl was on her lap she had brown hair and brown eyes a lot like Jemimas were. then there was a girl a bit older than Lydia but she had ginger hair and dark green eyes. then another girl with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes she looked a bit like ziva.

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now