Moving and emily

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Hello guys next chapter is up. If you want anything else in it like more drama or more fights or more hospital just comment what you want

Shane's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink I was not expecting to see tony and ziva all couperly. They were watching one of Amelia's Disney films. I think it's called tangled. They were at the part where the princess hits the other guy other the head with a sauce pan.

Ziva: that would be me

Tony: you got that right

Ziva: Shane! Are you going to get a drink or are you going to stare at us all night

Shane: sorry

Tony: don't apologise it's a sign of weakness

I looked at him funny then Walked off
I got to my room when I heard ziva say

Ziva: your getting more like Gibbs every day

Well i better get to sleep we are moving tomorrow


I woke up to Anna screaming as loud as she could. I got up and ran to her room.

I found her stood on her bed with Amelia by her waist both pointing at a large black object in the middle of the room

Moments later ziva and tony came in with there weapons drawn

Tony: what's wrong is anyone hurt

Shane: no ones hurt Anna and Amelia are scared of a spider

I went over to the spider and held it in my hand I walked other to the girls And Anna hit me around the back of the head and Amelia poked me in the eye

Shane: ow?

Anna: sorry

Amelia signed sorry

Shane: it's ok

I walked past ziva and she jumped and tony put a protective arm around her waist. I flashed them back a smile and went to put the spider out side

Tony's POV

Tony: Every one get dressed you are going to the Gibbs house and so are the McGees

Shane: YES

Anna: yay!!

Amelia signed yay. She liked going to the Gibbs to see there dog rover who was a golden retriever and very soppy

I took the kids to the Gibbs house and saw Anna run up to jake and hug it was kinda cute how he made her smile. I look the other side of me and Lucy and Shane hugged and that was cute too

Gibbs: ill go in the van McGee you go in your car

We hired a van for the moving if heavy things like beds and fridges and sofas

We got home and ziva was already dressed in a tank top and shorts and she currently had a tooth brush in her mouth and her hair in a messy bun but she still managed to look beautiful.

Ziva: yu get o woth I

Which translated to "you get on with it"

I took the job of the bedrooms and took over the bed side tables from the kids room and the lamps and there Tvs and my car was packed

Ziva came out and handled the kitchen. She bent down to a cupboard so I took the opportunity to grab her ass she did not take too lightley to this she turned around and gave me the evilist glare she could which was quite evil

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now