Anna, Kian, Lucy and Alicia

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They were In hospital all 4 of them hanging on to there life all unconscious. Lucy, Kian, Anna and Alicia.

Ziva: when will they wake?

Doctor: nobody knows

Ziva: well you should know!!!

Tony: woah calm down my ninja princess

Talia: ima? Where Anna and lissa

Ziva: they are sleeping tateleh

Talia smiled. She had the same smile as her mother and it was beautiful

A nurse ran in and whispered something to the doctor and ran out. Ziva followed him and realised where he was heading... The twins room

She was forced to stay outside as Lucy was losing blood and a lot of it

The rest of the family were close behind ziva. They all had tears in there eyes as they heard the deathly sound of the long never ending beep.

They took her away saying they would be in surgery.

Shane: Lucy! No not Lucy please don't die Lucy please I love you

He screamed

A nurse walked up to them

Nurse: urm agents? And agents juniors?

Ziva: what!

Nurse: Anna has awoken but

Ziva: where is she!

Ziva said cutting the nurse off

Nurse: but! She can't remember a lot

Ziva: how much can she remember

Nurse: since she was 7 after that it would just be a blur. Please do not stress her out she is still in a critical state

Shane walked in first

Anna: Shane! Where's Amelia and mum and dad

Shane started crying

Shane: Anna please remember you are 14 years old and mum and dad are d..d.. Dead. Mum and dad are dead

Anna: no there not I saw them this morning before school silly Shane.

Shane: no please Anna remember we live with tony and ziva we have a new little sister called Talia and she's beautiful an Amelia she is six not one

Amelia came in and held her sisters hand

Anna started signing at her sister but Amelia looked confused

Amelia: I don't need to use sign language any more

Anna: you can speek!

Amelia: yes

ziva walked in with tony and tali in her arms

Anna: aww cute baby ziva

ziva: what did you say?

Anna: aww cute baby ziva

ziva: you remember me

Anna: how could I forget you ima

ziva: I love you Anna

Anna: love you too ziva

the team came in and soon she remember all of them

doctor: Kian's awake and asking for a Jemima?

anna: Jem is dead she died last year

doctor: well that's more complicated does he know she is dead

Anna: I hope so she kissed him before she was shot.

doctor: well you can visit now

they visited kian and decided to go home
they had not had any news on lucy or Alicia and did not know if either would live

I don't own the NCIS characters
sorry it's short!
so Anna and kian are awake what do you think? what should happen next? please vote and comment xx

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