Meeting the kids

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Tony's pov:

Ziva and I were going on a 4 hour trip north to the place the Greenshaw's were temporarily staying at. Ziva may have been sat next to me but her mind was far away, I place my hand on top of her and she flinched back. Well at least her mind was back again.

We got to the Greenshaw's place at 10pm and the children looked very tired. Amelia was in Anna's arms asleep. Anna got into the car silently and placed the sleeping girl into her car seat in the middle which she had trouble getting Amelia into, I helped and she flashed me a genuine thank you smile and I felt proud.

Zivas pov:

Anna and Amelia were asleep and Shane was gazing out of the window

I slid my hand onto Tony, as a sort of thank you I guess.

Tony's pov:

I'm happy she held my hand she turns around to me and takes her eyes off the road for a few seconds when a lorry comes and hits her side at full speed the lorry span out of control and the last thing I saw was Shane grabbing Amelia and protecting her leaving Anna uncovered then every thing went black

I like this chapter even if you guys don't and what happens to Anna and ziva will they be ok? will the others be ok?

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