Emily joins

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Annas POV

Today Emily came. We all headed off to NCIS and I was so annoyed that I just ignored everyone much to zivas disgrace

Ziva: Anna! You can't ignore everyone just because Emily is coming today maybe you should just be nice

Anna: can't you remember what she did

Ziva: yes I can but your going to be the bigger person and just walk away from her if she annoys you

Anna: isn't that ignoring her

Ziva: we will continue this conversation later young lady

Emily was talking to jake already she was annoying me. Ziva gave me a look to tell me to behave. I walk over to jake and he kisses me on the cheek Emily's face was not amused. She flicked her blonde hair. I don't see why jake dosent like Emily but does like me I mean Emily is really thin and has blonde hair and bright blue eyes and her face is so pure with no freckles but I have dark blonde hair with green eyes and loads of freckles. You could say she intimidated me

Anna: hello Emily

I said happily

Emily: hello Anna

She said sweetly but as soon as jake turned away she gave me a icy glare. The adults had a case so we were left with Abby or ducky I chose ducky and so did jake and surprisingly so did Emily well this would be fun

Emily: so what do you down here duck man

Ducky: well miss Emily we open up dead people

Emily had a disgusted face

Emily: that's disgusting

Ducky: you sound like tony are you sure your not his daughter instead of Anna

Ouch that hurt

Emily laughed her cute laugh does she have any flaws!!!

Emily: yes maybe I am

Emily smirked at me. I had enough so I took zivas advice and walked away and jake followed me. We decided to head to Abby.

Her music was so loud I couldn't hear my delft

Anna: ABBY!!!!!!!

There was no answer from the dancing goth

Jake: ABBY!!!

Still no answer

Emily: ABBY!!!!!

Abby turned around seriously!

Abby: oh hey jake Anna and Emily how are you guys

Emily: we are ok we just decided to come and see our faviourite goth

Abby: arnt you just the sweetest thing

Now I really hate her

Emily giggled again

Abby got a call

Abby: hello Abby's lab

Abby: ok I will tell them

I looked at her with a confused face

Abby: guess who's back

Jake: DAD!!!


Abby: yep go on go see them

I rushed off to the elevator not caring if Emily was coming or not

Anna: tony ziva!!!

They did not look happy

Anna: what's up

I realised that ziva had a black eye and split lip

Anna: what happened to you

I tried to touch her lip but she flinched away

Gibbs: the suspect got away

Anna: well it's not your fault ziva

Ziva: yes it was

Anna: no it was not

Ziva: why can't you be less stubborn and be more like Emily!!

I know had tears down my eyes




With that I walked one way and ziva walked another. I ran to the directors office whilst ziva ran outside and I'm guessing she was going to calm down

So what do you think sorry it's not that long but thanks to love_ncis234 for the idea but sorry to NCISgirl345 because this one isn't longer I will try and make them longer but no promising :) vote comment and follow

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