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Ziva came out of hospital a month ago and it was now 24th December. It had already been Amelia's birthday on the 23rd November.

Tony: look what I found!

Ziva: what?

Tony: the knives you were going to give Anna and Shane for there birthday

It was 11pm and all 4 kids were in bed

Ziva: should we give them to them tomorrow

Tony: yep

Ziva: so do I get my Christmas present yet?

Tony: but it's not Christmas yet

Ziva pulled on his shirt to indicate she wanted him and shams he's their lips together. Ziva had her Christmas present there and then

Next morning:

Ziva and tony after there fun night decided to get dressed straight after as a excited 6 year old may be entering anytime in the morning

A few hours later at 6am a bouncing Amelia ran through the door. Her speech had gotten a lot better

Amelia: mummy!!! Daddy!! It's Christmas!

Ziva: I know sweetie

Amelia: presents?

Ziva: not yet Anna and Shane are not up

Amelia: can I get them up?

Tony: sure you can

Amelia squealed in delight and ran to her siblings rooms

Tony: Anna and Shane are going to kill us for letting her in there

A few minutes later two sleepy teens made there way to tony and zivas bedroom

Anna: if I had more energy I would kill you right now. Well tony I would anyway


Ziva: well we are all going to duckys house as it is the biggest at 9 that leaves us 3 hours to get ready

Exactly 3 hours later everyone was ready

We took all the presents in the car and was ready to leave

Everyone was already at duckys house

Jake: merry Christmas!!

He screamed and took Anna away but not before tony saw the little piece of mistletoe hanging from his pocket as tony pulled off to speak to him ziva tugged him back and showed him her piece

Tony: well miss David give me that

She placed it in his hand carefully and whispered in his ear

Ziva: my name is mrs dinozzo

He smiled at held the plant above their heads and both leaned in and kissed each other softly

Tony: I love you sweet cheeks

Ziva: love you too my little hairy Butt

Abby: people it's present time!!!!!!

Everyone came in and sat down in a giant circle lots of photos were taken

Ziva: who's going first

Abby: me!

Ziva: well that's sorted

Abby: ok so for McGee I got him a tablet

McGee: thanks babe but I'm suppose to open it before you tell me

He kissed her on the cheek

Abby: next these are for you guys

She handed Lucy and kian a bag each this consisted of some clothes for each of them a voucher and a iPhone each

Abby: next are for you guys

She handed bags to Anna Amelia and Shane and tali's to ziva

Anna had make up and hair things

Shane had some clothes simular to kian and a voucher

Amelia had Barbie dolls which she adored

Tali had various baby items

Abby: next are you to

She handed ziva and tony a voucher for shops

Abby: palmer, this is for you Breena, felicity and Justin(new born)

They got various baby items

For ducky she got him a Scottish flag and some haggis (traditional Scottish food it's lovely!!)

For Gibbs she got him a mug saying rule Never spill a marines coffee if you want to live

For Jenny they got her a mug saying Property of leroy jethro Gibbs. Don't touch or you will die

Everyone found that funny

Now it was ziva and Tony's turn to give presents

Ziva: here are yours

She handed Anna and Shane a bag

Anna: I love the knife!!

Shane: same!

Palmer: why the hell did you decide knives would be a good Christmas present

Ziva: rule 9 always carry a knife

They got other people similar stuff to what Abby got them

Gibbs an Jenny gave each child a small wooden photo frame with their names carved in then for the adults a bigger version but with the names






Carverd into each persons

Ducky gave them school supplies

Palmer just gave them money

Tony: I have realised ziva you have not had a present from me yet

Ziva: it's ok tony really all you being here is the best present for me

Tony: that's very sweet but come to the backyard

Everyone walked out into the back garden to see what it was and running around the garden was a baby husky with bright blue eyes

Ziva: tony I love her can I name her

Tony: she is yours

Ziva: well I name her ninja

Tony: it's perfect

McGee: now for mine to Abby.

Well here goes nothing McGee thought

McGee: I have known you for a very long time and we have been through a lot together and I can really say I love you to the moon and back so will you marry me?

Abby: YES!!!!

Everyone cheered and they kissed passoioetly

The rest of the day went perfectly and then by 10pm everyone was gone and the first Christmas with the kids had gone by. What lies ahead for the family?

Thanks for reading please comment vote and follow! Sorry it's not very good I rushed it and sorry for not updating much over the weekend I had scout weekend and I was soooo tired. Note to all of you try getting more than 3 hours sleep before going on a hike the next day.....

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