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Hello not sure if I like where the story is going as it is not what I intended but hay it's just a fan fiction

Jenny's POV

Jake had just taken Anna out for a picnick in the forest so I decided to clean his room when I stumble acros a book under his bed the book read jakes diary keep out or else

Well it couldn't harm to see what his feelings are I opened to the fist page it was wrote in childish hand wrighting

Dear diary

Today was mine and Jems 4th birthday and w had a big cake and bouncy castle it was fun. Even though I won't admit it I love Jemima

Love from

Jake xx

Attached to that page was a photo of a mini jake and Jemima with chocolate covered faces it made me laugh

I turned to the next one there

Dear diary

Today was the day mummy died and I was very sad the funeral is in a week and I will cry but daddy said she will be in heaven and watching us all the time and even though she is not here she will still love us but I still miss her

I turned to the most recent one I scanned over it and dropped the book and screamed Gibbs came up and I showed him the diary entry he quickly got his phone to phone tony and ziva

Tony: Gibbs?

Gibbs: has Anna gone?!?

Tony: yes she left like 10 minutes ago

I heard Gibbs curse

Tony: what's wrong

Gibbs: long story short jake is going to try and kill Anna

Tony: not on my watch

Tony's POV

I knew jake was trouble

Tony: ZIVA!!

Ziva: I'm stood next to you no need to shout

Tony: where did Anna and jake go

Ziva: the woodlands park why

Tony: he is trying to kill her

Ziva: she will be ok we have a ninja on our side and we have a Gibbs

She said that half way out the door before she turned back and called to Shane to look after Amelia and hopefully we will be there on time...

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now