Saleems brother

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Jenny's POV

I was doing some paper work when a angry looking teen barged through my door and a annoyed Cynthia following

Cynthia: sorry director she wouldn't listen

Jenny: it's ok I can handle it

Cynthia left and walked up to Anna

Jenny: explain why you abused my door it gets enough of that from jefro

Anna: sorry

She mumbled I decided to ask dinozzo or David why she was here

Jenny: dinozzo?

Tony: yes director

Jenny: please tell me why your daughter is crying her eyes out in my office and why she abused my door!

Tony: well ziva said some really harsh stuff to her and now zivas gone and as for the door bit I don't know maybe taking after Gibbs. Do you want me to get her?

Jenny: no it's fine tony you go find ziva

Tony: bye Jenny

Jenny: bye tony

I hung up

Jenny: what did ziva say

She ignored me

Jenny: don't ignore me

Anna: she said she would rather have Emily as a daughter than me

This shocked me that zips would say such a thing there had to be more

Jenny: did you aggravate her

Anna: NO!

Jenny: ok, ok

Anna: I'm sorry Jenny

Jenny: go and see her

Anna: thank you

Jenny: no problem honey

Anna's POV

Anna: hey tony where's ziva

Tony: that's the problem she is not here

Anna: what do you mean

Tony: she's gone like missing we can't find her

Anna: maybe she just got lost or is somewhere else

Tony: I can feel it she's missing Anna

Anna: no she can't be didn't you here the lat words I said to her if she dies my last words to her would have been I hate you

Tony: she's not going to die

Anna: she hates me

Tony: she dosent hate you

Anna: yeah she does I'm such a horrible child

Tony: no your not you are a amazing beautiful child and most importantly your our child

Anna: we need to find her

Gibbs: lets do that then

We searched for what seemed like hours

I sat in zivas desk as she wasn't here and began to draw. I had head phones on so no one could here my music. I decided to draw the team. I first drew tony as he was in front of me and it turned out just how I wanted it to

I then drew Gibbs and that turned out good. Then McGee Abby ducky palmer and the director and they all turned out really good

I then drew my mum or ziva in other words. That was by far the best

I walk over to Tony's desk when I'm done and his face lights up

Tony: that's amazing Anna. Hey boss probie come look at this

They walk over

Gibbs: it is amazing Anna well done

McGee: wow just wow that's amazing

Anna: thanks I'm going to put it on my wall do you think ziva will like it

Tony: ziva will love anything you do princess

I smiled at him

Meanwhile with ziva

Zivas POV

Ziva: who are you

Man: your worst nightmare

Ziva: c'mon I need more than that

Man: you know the guy that you chased this morning that's me the same person who gave you the black eye and split lip and I plan on doing much more.

Ziva: why?

Man: you killed my brother and you put my sister in prison

Ziva: who are you

Man: Benjamin uhlam brother of Saleem uhlam

Ziva: and your sister

Ben: Danielle uhlam she was 16 when you put her in jail

Ziva: Danielle was a killer

Ben: she was a child

Ziva: she killed my child!

Ben: your child was a bitch

Ziva: no she was baby she was only a year old and kaitlyn Abigail was a beautiful baby girl

Ben: she was only a child herself

Ziva: she killed lots of baby's because she couldn't have one so she thought no one could have a child. I'm just sorry you had be related to her

Ben hit me around the face

Ben: I had to live when my brother was killed and my sister was thrown in jail

Ziva: I had to bury my daughter. Your brother raped me just after I had buried my little girl he took me and beat me every day. I gave up I had nothing else to live for but I did and I will live through this nothing you do will beat what your brother has already done

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