not sure what to call this chapter...

510 28 14

an hour before.

the girls had just left and Alicia was here already to look After the youngest too. tony and Shane were going to go to a all you can eat buffet that was opening in town. tony did not want to tell ziva as she would complain about his 'diet'. they decided to go the quicker way to the mall that way the girls would not see them.


they were in hospital again....

the doctor had told them that they would survive but should rest. ziva couldn't get the note of her head. who was it, it was obviously someone she knew because is said did you miss me which suggest she knew them before. everyone who would want to kill her is dead. Ray is dead, her dad is dead, Michael is dead, jake and Jemimas dad is dead. see what she means everyone is dead!

ziva: Gibbs! I can't think if anyone who would want to get back at me!

Gibbs: you will in all good time ziva

ziva: but someone I love could be hurt in all good time. last time Jemima died who will it be this time!

Gibbs: that won't happen ziva! Jemima died because I wasn't paying all my attention but this time my attention will be now where ever it is needed

tony and Shane where released from hospital. but everyone was put into one big safe houses with top level security. there were 7 bedrooms

tony and ziva

tali Anna and Amelia

Shane and jake and kian

McGee and Abby

Gibbs and Jenny

ducky and Abby boran

palmer and breena and felicity and there new baby

Lucy and Ariana

ziva hated the idea of being in a house together with everyone. she wanted to go and explore. her kids were getting bored already and they had only just arrived.

Anna: mum! I'm sooo bored i want to go home. everyone does why are we here

Anna complained

ziva: because someone tried to kill your brother and father Anna!

Anna felt like escaping. she cope with this again. she thought she might just leave but they had marines on every exit which left two options.

1. she digs her way out

2. the windows

she debated with herself and thought the first option would take ages and people would notice. so she decided on the windows there was one problem though well two. the windows were bolted and she didn't exactly know where the safe house was. Anna planned it all out in her head. she didn't realise she was speaking out loud luckily it was only her and Lucy in the room

Lucy: what the hell Anna! why are you talking about going outside!!!

Lucy said whisper shouting

Anna: I'm sick if being in here I hate it!

Lucy: can you take me with you?

Anna: I'm sorry lu... but I'm going through a window you won't be able to

Lucy: it's ok I get it. I hate being in a wheelchair I feel so unhelpful

said Lucy putting her head in her hands and started crying softly

Anna: hey don't cry

Anna hugged her friend

Lucy: pinky promise you will come back?

Anna hooked pinkys with her best friend

Anna: I'm promise

Lucy: so what's your plan

Anna proceeded to tell Lucy her plan to escape. she was going to leave early the next morning it was 11pm now so Anna decided to sleep she would be wakening at 4am to get out. the only risks were getting caught ziva and Gibbs were the only ones up at that time. she was going to escape by her window tali and Amelia would hopefully sleep through the smashing of the window. her room had a small window just enough for her to get through. a few hours later Anna awoke and quickly smashed the window. she climbed through ignoring the burning sensation in her body as the glass cut her clothes and ripped the flesh beneath the clothes. Anna fell to the ground and her a deafening pop from her shoulder. she ignored it and got up and ran as fast as she could. she had been running and she didn't exactly know where her destination was. the house was in the middle of no where. there was a huge Forrest and empty fields. she decided to head to the Forrest. she was near the other side of the Forrest when she came to a small lake. perfect she thought. she didn't know how long she had been gone. she left her phone at home so they couldn't track her.

she didn't know why she left but she did know she didn't want to go back. she hated being cooped up with loads of people. she took off her top and trousers so she was just in her underwear. she guessed the water was deeper than her so she dove in. hitting the water with a loud spash followed by a crack from her ankle. apparently the water wasn't as deep as she thought. she suddenly felt a hand on her head pushing her under. her lungs filled with water and black dots started covering her perfect vision. it started as small dots then came to bigger dots and then her vision completely dissapeered and she went limp.

so what do you think?

it's a bit confusing but I didn't know what to do...

I'm going to end it soon I think... well I will if I don't get any ideas

do you guys want another character death?

please comment and vote it would mean a lot!!

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