Wedding date

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Hi all I have decided to continue but I need some ideas so put them in the comments and please read and comment on adopted by tiva me and my friend have chapters written up all we need is the comments xx

Ziva: morning tony

Tony: morning zi

Ziva: can we set a date for the wedding

Tony: um do you want it before or after the baby is born

Ziva: I would like it before the baby is born and before I get to fat

Tony: um Sunday??

Ziva: next week? We better start planning

Tony: can we tell the kids about the baby

Ziva: breakfast?

Tony: yep

I walked out and started on breakfast (waffles and syrup)

Soon after I started 2 teens and 1 grumpy 5 year old walked into the kitchen

Tony: sit down we have stuff to talk to you about

Anna: like what

Tony: ill tell you when we are ready to eat

Anna: it's only 8am

Tony: we go to work in an hour and your coming with us

I was finished making breakfast and sat down with the rest of the family

Shane: so what do want to talk to us about

Tony (signing): well um what would you say of you got a new baby brother or sister

Anna dropped her fork and Shame had his mouth open whilst Amelia sat there with a huge smile and clapping

Ziva: we also have set a wedding date it's next Sunday and your getting home schooled

Anna: by who

Ziva: the team they have already agreed to teach you Shane Amelia jake Lucy and kian

Anna: who are the subject teachers

Ziva: I will be music and pe and languages
Gibbs will be woodwork
Abby will be science
McGee will be Ict and maths
Ducky will be history and geography
Palmer will be english
Jenny will be art and food and textiles
Tony will be drama

Shane: will we do this at NCIS

Ziva: yes I think that's the plan

Anna: cool um will Amelia be taught separately

Tony: yes she will be taught by herself

Anna's POV:

I actually can't wait to be home school I run upstairs to get my phone and text jake

*hey jake have you heard about the home schooling from Anna xx*

A few seconds later I got a message back

*omg it's going to be so much fun anyway I got to go McGee is calling love you from jake <3 xx*

I smiled as I read the message

I check the time


Only 24 minuites to go I run to the shower before we leave

Anna: ZIVA!!

Ziva: yes honey

Anna: I forgot my towel

Ziva: ill get it

She walked in and gave me my towel

Anna: when do we start lessons

Ziva: well today I guess and after lessons if we don't have a case how about you me Abby Jenny Amelia and Lucy go and look for bridesmaids and flower girl and wedding dresses

Anna: how many bridesmaids you having

Ziva: urm well you Abby Jenny and Lucy so 4

Anna: cool I'm see ya in a minute

Ziva: bye

Okay so need comments of what should happen after the wedding and I need to know if you would like some drama to make it more exciting please tell me

Also disclaimer: I don't own NCIS

PLEASE read adopted by tiva I spent ages on it :) xx

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