Talia caitlyn kelly david dinozzo

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Thanks a lot to everyone who commented I now know a name and gender and I have used a mixture of the names given

Zivas POV

I was in the hospital holding my precious baby girl when tony walks in

Tony: hey sweet cheeks would have been here sooner but traffic was really bad

Ziva: where are the others

Tony: in the waiting room I wanted to be here first well except for Anna I guess she was tired

Anna was spread across the seats completely dead (not dead it's an expression to say some one is deeply sleeping)

Tony: so what are we going to call her

Ziva: I was thinking something to do with tali and Caitlyn an maybe after another person

Tony: how about talia Caitlyn Kelly David dinozzo

Ziva: I love it

Tony: hello talia daddy's here

I handed talia to him and he held her close I noticed a sudden flash as Abby took a photo I signalled for her to come in and she took many more photos and held talia.

Gibbs: what's her full name

Tony: talia Caitlyn Kelly David dinozzo

Gibbs: it's beautiful just like her

And that she was talia had dark brown hair in light curls and had bright green eyes and tanned skin. She was a mixture between both her parents

Shane held the little child and he smiled when she held his little finger you could tell from that moment he was going to be a good brother

Amelia held her and was in love with her the moment she laid eyes on her

Anna held her and told her all about the family

The family was now complete.

A few days later I was aloud home and tony and the kids surprised me with a set up bedroom for talia which was a baby blue with a white bed on the wall was a pink T and tony informed me he also got a S for Shane and a A for Anna and Amelia

Ziva: I love it thank you

I noticed talia had fallen asleep in my arms so I put her in her cot (or for you Americans crib)

Anna: can we go on the wii

Tony: sure but I'm going to win

I decided that I would make tea as they were playing a game I couldn't remember the name of. I was making spaghetti Balinese (can't spell...) when a loud happy Girly like screech came from the living room and a dramatic sigh from a man

Anna: I WON!!!

Tony: I let you win!

Anna: nuh huh

Tony: yeh huh

Before anyone would get hurt decided to interrupt

Ziva: teas ready

Tony: yummy

Please tell me any more ideas (any drama)

Thanks again to

@NCISGirl345 for giving me the idea

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