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Hi all thanks for reading still needs a few ideas though thanks to NCISGirl345 who gave me the idea I also really need a gender for the baby and names

Zivas POV

I'm 9 months pregnant and I decided to wait for it too be a surprise to know what it is.

It was Shane and Anna's birthday next week and I know I already have Anna's gift which was the necklace but I want to get her other stuff. Tony is getting Shane things whilst I take Anna shopping but to get to the shopping place we had to get a 30 mins train ride

We got to the shopping place on time and started to look around. I kept dropping hints to look at the summery stuff as next summer we were taking the kids including the baby to Disney world Florida (I have only been to Disney land Paris so sorry if I don't get all the details)

Anna: ziva?

Ziva: what?

Anna: can me and Shane have a joint party

Ziva: I'm our house?

Anna: yes

Ziva: um I guess so I would have to double check with tony and I think it would be too cold for the swimming pool as it is October

Anna: can we heat the pool up

Ziva: I think that could work lets convince tony

Anna: can I have a cake

Ziva: sure what would you like on it

Anna: I would 14 on it and maybe one direction on it aswell.

Ziva: I think Abby will agree to make you a cake her cakes are delicious

Anna: thanks

Anna: omg can I get theese

She was pointing to a pair of white sunglasses and sun hat

Ziva: sure

Anna: can I get my ears pierced?

Ziva: um ok then

Anna: you can get it done to

Ziva: sure

We walked into the saloon that did ear piercing and brought a number of earrings to go with after that we thought we might go home because we had 4 bags in our hands each

We were 15 minuites on our train journey when the train suddenly came to a holt. I asked a man what happened

Ziva: what happened

Man: um well m'am there has been a slight delay

Ziva: I'm 9 months pregnant and I hate small places it reminds me of that place so if you want a hormonal ninja then go ahead make their be a delay

Man: why are you a ninja

Ziva: trained assassin or as some people say Mossad

Man: Mossad?

Ziva: look it up

The man walked on when I relised my seat was wet. Uh oh

Ziva: uh oh

Anna: what's up

Ziva: my waters have broke call tony!!

On the phone:

Tony: zi?

Anna: it's Anna

Tony: oh hey what's up

Anna: zivas waters have broke and we are stuck on a train

Tony: just get off at the next stop

Anna: the train is stopped we are stuck

Tony: ask how long they will be and don't hang up

Anna: k

Anna: how long are we going to be because mother is giving birth

Man:about 10 mins

10 hours later.....

We were still on the train but I didn't care I was holding my bundle of joy

Man; good news we are moving

Anna: Tony's meeting us at the hospital

I am aware I did not put what gender the baby is because I do not know so please tell me xx

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