Bomb disarmed

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Thanks for the reads please read my other NCIS fanfictions Hot or not NCIS style, highschool NCIS and my newest one adopted by tiva

Abby's POV

I was so close I need a few hours to confirm everything but I think I found them. They are in a shed thing in the woods I think.

Abby: MCGEE!!

McGee: what abs

Abby: I think I have found them

McGee: where

Abby: a shed in the forest a few blocks away

McGee: Abby that's amazing

He kissed me softly and went to get Gibbs.

Gibbs POV:

Yes! We found them that freak is going down and I will make sure of it.

Gibbs: tony, gear up

Ziva: where are you going

Gibbs: to go get your kids back

Tony: are you serious!!

Gibbs: ya think I would joke about this?

Ziva: why arnt I going

Gibbs: because your pregnant

Ziva: and?

Tony: Gibbs is right your not coming

Ziva sulked down in her seat but did not say anything else until we were about to leave

Ziva: love you tony

Tony: love you to ziva

And then we left

We got to the shed and barged in there was the man we were after. He was towering over Anna with a gun to her head

Steve: drop your weapons or she dies

Gibbs: it's a fake you wouldn't kill her because she reminds you of Jemima who you killed

Steve: shoot me then but you won't be able to disarm the bomb

I decided to take the chance and shot him anyway

Gibbs: find that bomb

I walk over to Amelia she was next to Lucy and had cuts on her arms

Gibbs (signing): Amelia its ok I'm here now

She got up and clung to me and weeped into my shoulder

I put her down and tony had already untied everyone else

Anna: the bomb

She said weekly

Gibbs: where is it

Anna: on me and only one person can disarm it

Gibbs: who

Anna: ziva

Gibbs: she's not here. How long does it have left

Anna: 8 minuites

Gibbs: ill go get ziva you guys stay here

I ran to the car and got in I sped down the road and got to my house

Gibbs: ziva!!

Ziva: yeah

Gibbs: get in the car you are the only one that can disarm the bomb

Ziva: what bomb

Gibbs: just get into the car

We drove to the shed and ziva disarmed the bomb quikly. How she does that I will never know. She looked at ziva and they immediately hugged

Things were back to normal..... For now

So what do you think should I continue or make a sequel or just stop now please tell me -A xx

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