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Anna's POV

they took my baby a perfect little girl but everytime I look at her smile it reminds me of him. of what he did to me I try to ignore it but I can't. they have taken my little girl now. 6 years old she is I see her in a old room a spitting image of Amelia but with the evil smirk they are hitting the little girl over and over voices are whispering things in my head but I can't concentrate on them only on my little girl screaming in pain it haunts me.

wake up Anna! I hear a voice it is sweet and angelic. I suddenly bolt up straight head butting whoever was infront of me

ziva: oh Anna what was it about this time?

the angelic voice was zivas

Anna: I'm sorry it was about the baby again I'm never going to be the same

ziva: we will get through this together

suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my lower stomach. it hurt so much. the I felt it the sticky red substance leaked onto the sheets beneath

ziva: tony!

tony ran in and saw the sight

tony got out his phone and called an ambulance. I started to lose consciousness

what felt like a few minutes later I awoke to find eager eyes peering down on me I realise I'm in a white room. it has white machines and white bed then I realise this is not any ordinary white room it was a hospital

Anna: why am I here?

i asked confused then it all came flashing back to me

Anna: the baby?

ziva: I'm sorry Anna you miscarried but you were so far along they found out the gender and you can still give her a name

Anna: her?

ziva nodded

Anna: cassia Lydia. perfect for my perfect little girl

a few days later I was discharged she has sonner grams of cassia. one in a frame by my bed with cassia Lydia written on the top and one in my purse. tony and ziva also had one as did Shane but no one knew where he put it

tony: you are grown up before you are 16. you have been through more than any of us could imagine. cassia would have been proud of her mummy

Anna: she would have been but that dosent matter now. I'm going to the park

I said and grabbed my jacket and walked out of the door. I got stares by mostly everybody. I had one long scar going along the side of my face leaving it visible to everyone

I sat on one of the benches. all the children stay weary of me like I'm some sort of monster

someone taps my shoulder and I flinch and flip him causing him to land on his back rolling in agony

Anna: that is why you should never sneak up on a girl!

the boy smirked he had two perfect rows of straight white teeth. I guess he is kinda cute. he had dirty blonde hair which was all messy. he was a little taller than me and had dazzling blue eyes

Anna: do you have a name?

boy: yes do you

he said in a thick English accent that made my heart skip a beat

Anna: my names Anna

I said sticking out my hand

boy: carter

Anna: that your first name or last name

boy: first

he chuckled a little

Anna: why are you talking to me?

I asked

carter: why not?

Anna: because I'm hideous

carter: you are far from hideous Anna your scar just tells me you have a story and a interesting one

he said touching it. I flinch slightly

carter: I'm sorry

he quickly moved his hands

Anna: it's okay I just can't trust men easily

carter: so how did you get the scar

Anna: I was captured and tortured on a sex camp and was rescued by my parents 3 weeks ago. one of the men gave it too me. I have many more along with bruises and burns

carter: where do you live?

carter asked not bothering with my last answer

Anna: few streets over the noisy house. it's big and white

carter: I know the place.

Anna: what about you

carter: that house

he turned around and pointed at a huge mansion

Anna: wow who are your parents

carter: my dad's dead but my step dad is rich for doing nothing and my mum is marrying him tomorrow I know we have just met but will you be my date?

Anna: sure.

I thought about how angry jake would be but then again he had Emily and I have carter

he gave me his number and I turned to leave when my purse fell from my pocket.

carter: sister?

I shook my head

Anna: daughter

carter: how old are you?

Anna: 15

carter: what's her name?

Anna: cassia Lydia. she is dead.

carter: oh I'm sorry. well I have to go talk later?

Anna: sure

I smiled and left

tony: what are you smiling about

Anna: I have a date tomorrow

tony: who with? jake?

he asked

Anna: no carter

tony: who the hell is carter

anna: guy I met at the park

tony: no! you can't just go on a date to someone you just met Anna they could be horrible he could be a serial killer!

Anna: I'm going!

I stormed from the room. I look in my wardrobe and I don't have anything to wear for a wedding

Anna: ziva!

ziva: Anna? what do you want

Anna: I need a dress

ziva: what for

Anna: a wedding

ziva: your getting married?

Anna: not my wedding my dates

ziva: yay I get to buy a dress for me I mean for you yeah dress for you

ziva got her purse then both headed out

ziva: this one

it was pink and puffy

Anna: no way!

ziva: this one

it was a bright yellow long one

Anna: nope

Anna: now that one is perfect

sorry I'm going to try and put a picture of the dress up but I haven't done it before so bare with me. also do people want pictures of the characters becuase I can try and do that somehow :) changed my name as well

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