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Zivas POV

Today was the day aunt nettie was getting here. After much arguing it was agreed that Anna would move into Amelia's room.

Anna: when is aunt nettie getting here

Ziva: around 2 hours and Shane you will be sharing with Shaun

Shane: who the hell is Shaun

Ziva: your 15 year old cousin. Play nice

2 hours later

I heard the doorbell ring and nervously got up and answered it

Ziva: hello aunt Nettie

Aunt nettie: hello ziva where is this husband of yours

Tony: here

Aunt nettie: your partner?

Ziva: yes

Aunt nettie: and your boss accepts this

Ziva: yes

Shaun walked in he had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes he was tall and very cute. He made eye contact with Anna and smiled Anna looked away quickly

Aunt nettie: this is Shaun

Ziva: hi Shaun

Shaun: hey ziva

Shaun took off his jacket and the tattoos were now visible I heard a gasp.

Shaun: tony is it okay if I leave my motor bike in the garage

Tony: um sure

Aunt nettie: now who's this

She was pointing to the baby in my arms

Ziva: this is talia Caitlyn Kelly David dinozzo

Aunt nettie: I will hold her later. And who is this

She was pointing at Amelia

Ziva: this is Amelia Natalie Greenshaw dinozzo she is 5 and deaf

Aunt nettie looked at me strange

Aunt nettie: good thing I know sign language. Who are theese two

She was pointing at Anna and Shane

Ziva: this is Anna Mae and Shane Thomas Greenshaw dinozzo they are nearly 14

Anna: well that's introductions done I'm going to mine I mean Amelia's room

Shane: ill show Shaun to his room

Shaun's POV

I just arrived in the US and met my 4 cousins one of which was absolutely beautiful I wish she dosent have a boyfriend. But it wouldn't be bad if I did date her then marry her cousins are allowed to marry and she is adopted so she is not actually blood related and it dosent matter if I'm 1 an a bit years older.

I followed Shane upstairs

Shaun: so Shane have any tattoos

Shane: no

Shaun: ever smoked

Shane: no

Shaun: ever had sex

Shane: no

Shaun: dude have you ever had a girlfriend

Shane: I have one now actually

Shaun: yeah let's see

He showed me a picture or a pretty brunette and Anna

Shaun: good going mate when do I get to meet her

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