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Hello all thanks for reading

Ziva POV

I must call Gibbs

Gibbs: ziva?

Ziva: Anna's gone he left a note

I hear him curse

Gibbs: come to my house an bring tony and the kids I will call everyone and bring the note

Ziva: yes boss

I put down the phone and go and see tony

Tony: where's Anna

Ziva: gone

Tony: where

Ziva: with that monster that killed Jemima

Tony's eyes filled with water

Tony: no

Ziva: yes and we have to go to Gibbs house everyone will be there

Tony's attitude had changed from happy to sad in a second

Tony: Shane, Amelia get in the car

Shane: where are we going

Tony: Gibbs

Shane: why


I put a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it away. I had never heard him shout before

Tony: Shane I'm sorry

But it was to late he was already out the door

Ziva: go after him he is in danger

Tony: I will

Tony's POV

I walked out side but he was no where to be seen there is a piece of paper on the porch being held down by a rock there was writing on it, it said

3 down 15 to go

Tony: shit

I walk back inside

Tony: get in the car

Ziva: where's Shane

Tony: gone

Ziva: no

Tony: yes now pick up Amelia in your arms and get to the car an dont let o of her till you are inside. Do not put her in her car seat but hold her on your lap and check the backseats before hand

She hands me my gun

Ziva: we arnt going to be back for a few days are we

Tony: no pack a few clothes but we all go with you as I know he is still in the area

Ziva: yeah

We walked to our room and grabbed all of mine and zivas stuff necessary an then took stuff for Amelia and toys to keep her entertained

Tony: lets go

I have ziva the key and they went first and I locked up and got into the car safely even though I was in the car I felt like I was being watched

Amelia pov:

I do not know why mummy and daddy are acting so strange and I don't know where Anna and Shane are but I hope they come back soon I miss them lots and lots. I decide to scan the area to see what I can see. I wonder if mummy can see that man over there watching us.

We start going and I fall asleep minuites later I am awaken by mummy and daddy getting out of the car I recognise where we are but tiredness is to much so I just fall back asleep but before I do I see the man again I wonder if he followed us?

Zivas POV

Yes finally she's sleeping peacefully we walk into Gibbs house and everyone is there

Gibbs: what took you so long

I do not answer

Tony: Shane is gone

He mumbles

Gibbs: basement now everyone

Everyone brings food down and clothes and other necessities. I guess people also thought we would be here for a long time

Gibbs: so who's missing then

Ziva: Shane and Anna

Just then Amelia jolts awakes

Ziva (signing): what's the matter

Amelia (signing): a nightmare about the man who followed us

Ziva Abby Gibbs and tony all went white at the little girls actions everyone else was just staring blankly

Ziva: who followed us

Amelia: a man

Ziva: what did he look like

Amelia: tall like Gibbs and brown hair like daddy but I couldn't see his eyes but they looked dark like yours not light like Abby's

Ziva: it's jake and jemimas dad (really need a name for him and I can't remember If I gave him one lets call him Steve from now on cant even remember if he is the guy that is taking everyone but hay)

Gibbs: he knows where everyone is so no one can leave or go upstairs. I have done the thing and got cameras installed and I have computers down here for you guys

Just then the electricity went out and when it came on another was gone and another note was left

This is getting quite scary even though I'm writing it I'm actually really scared sorry if this scares you too tell me if it does :) xx

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