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Zivas POV

Today was the kids birthday I just hope the weather is ok. I wake up at the usual time of 5:00 I wake up Anna as she sometimes likes to go with me and today she did

Anna: your ready ziva

Ziva: yep lets go

We ran for about 3 miles before we decided to head back by the time we got back it was 6:30

Anna: I'm going in Amelia's shower

Ziva: well when you and Shane are up we will all go into the living room and open presents

Anna: yay!

She had her shower and got ready and met everyone downstairs by the time everyone was up and ready it was 9:00 and Gibbs had given us a day off

Ziva: Anna, this is for you

I handed her the necklace identical to my own

Anna was speechless when she found her voice she began to speak

Anna: I love it. It's amazing

We handed them the tickets and they loved them

We had pancakes for breakfast and as I suspected aunt nettie gave them $200 each

It was time for there party and people started arriving

First Gibbs

He gave Anna and Hand wood carved A and Shane a hand wood carved S

Jake gave Shane a football (soccer) annual

Then it was his time to give Anna her present everyone was looking on

Jake: first I would like to give you jemimas presant

He opened a box it was a pearl braclet with a locket she opened the locket it and it was a picture of Jemima and Anna it was beautiful

Anna: jake it is amazing thank you

Jake: now for my present

He took out a promise ring and a necklace

The necklace had a blue butterfly it was stunning

The promise ring was blue little diamonds on it

If it wasnt obvious blue was her faviourite colour

Anna: jake..

She had tears in her eyes

Jake: do you like it

Anna: I love it. I love you

She kissed him softly

Jake: I love you too

Jake: shall I put it on

Everyone was watching how the two interacted with each other

He put the necklace on and you could tell she wasnt going to take it off she now had two necklaces she wasnt going to ever remove from her neck

Ziva: lets go to the garden

My prayers have been answered as it was a nice sunny day

No ones POV

Shane: hey tony can we go get changed

Tony: Sure but kian and Lucy and McGee and Abby arnt here yet

Shane: they are now

He said that whilst the scutio McGees walked into the garden

Lucy: hey tony where's Anna

Tony: upstairs sweetheart I think she is with Ziva they are waiting for you

Upstairs ziva and Anna were sat on Anna's bed looking through her wardrobe for her bikini she made a funny face when she came to where aunt nettie kept her underwear this set everyone off laughing

Lucy: have you checked in the bedside table

Anna nodded still laughing

Lucy: checked in this box

Lucy was holding up Anna's underwear box and Anna scowled at her

Anna: LUCY!!!

Ziva and Lucy burst out laughing but Anna did not look amused

Anna: and no I have not looked in there

Lucy: then look there

Anna did so and found it

It was pink and spotty 👙

Anna: I found it lets go

They all got changed Anna was in her pink spotty one. Lucy was in a dark purple one and Ziva was in a light blue one each had a guy drooling over them

Tony whistled mainly at Ziva

Ziva shot him a glare

Tony acted quickly and grabbed Ziva bridal style and chucked her into the water

She got up and offered her hand to tony to pull her out

Tony felt bad so he took her hand. A few seconds later he found him self in the water

Tony: crazy ninja chic

Ziva: you wouldn't have it any other way

Tony snaked his arms around zivas waist and pulled her in

He kissed her passionately and then there was a round of coughing

Gibbs: get a room! There are kids about

After this all hell broke loose and there was a massive water fight it was boys vs girls so

Gibbs, McGee, tony, Shane, Shaun, Kian, jake

Ziva, Abby, Lucy, Anna, Jenny, Ariana and Abby (CG)

Aunt Nettie and Breena and palmer and ducky were looking after Talia felicity and Amelia. Breena insisted she could not swim as she was pregnant with there second child an palmer did not want to get involved and ducky and aunt Nettie were too old and in a deep conversation

Water went everywhere and everyone was drenched this water fight went on for ages and the boys kept picking up a girl and dunking her back in but still making sure she came back up the girls could not do this back as they could not lift the boys out of the water unless you were Ziva or Jenny because they were by far the strongest on the girls side

There were lots of squeals when some people had enough and decided it was a good time to have cake

Anna's cake was in sections one section was one direction the other was her Lucy Jemima and Ariana and the next was her mum and dad and the next was her family now : Ziva tony Shane Amelia and Talia

The people were all done in modelling icing stuff and across the middle was happy 14th birthday Anna

Shane's was similar with 4 sections. Section 1 was him and Lucy. Section two was his mum and dad section 3 was his family now: Ziva tony Talia Anna Amelia and then the final one was one I him Kian and jake

Done in the same modelling sculptures as Anna's and in the middle was also happy 14th birthday Shane

The rest of the day was in and out of the pool and to top it all off we had a BBQ and just generally had fun it was now the time to tell Gibbs but tony and Ziva decided to wait till tomorrow to tell him so it didn't ruin the kids birthdays

Please tell me what you think and what I need to add


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