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Hey this will be a short ish chapter to clear things up

Anna's POV

We were cuddled under a tree and I could honestly say I was scared. Jake told me all about his mission and he said he wasn't going to do it I believed him of course. But apparently his dad was listening to the convosation and was now after me and him I could hear foot steps behind us

Gibbs: jake!!

Tony: Anna!!

Phew I was relived

Anna: he was told to kill me and he refused now his dad knows and is after both of us. Please help us

Jake: I'm so sorry dinozzo and I'm really sorry to dad I mean Gibbs and you to David

Ziva: well your lucky I didn't use my Mossad tactics because you woul be dead already

Jake: I'm really sorry Anna

Anna: well no ones perfect

Just then someone came around the corner holding a small girl who you could tell was Jemima with Jenny Shane and Amelia in tow

Person: now we have everyone and I have my team

Men came and surrounded us a couple I could tell Gibbs and ziva recognised some from Mossad others from the marines

Jake: dad....

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now