Disney world part 1

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It was summer again and the whole past year had its events. I will just list some. Tony got shot.. Twice...., Ziva was In caught in a bomb and was in a coma for a month, Abby's lab set on fire causing the NCIS building to set alight and some others luckily everyone is still alive and healthy

Ziva: everyone in the living room!!

A few minutes later everyone was in the living room including ninja who nearly knocked Amelia out as she carefully walked down. Talia took her first steps a couple of weeks ago and now walked a little. Anna and jake are still going fine and Emily still annoys the hell out of Anna but they try and get along and Lucy and Shane are still good though they won't share their feelings with anyone beside themselves. And well kian still hasn't found a girl that could top Jemima and Abby and McGee are worried he never will.

Anna: what are we doing down here

Ziva: we are going on holiday!!!

Amelia: yay!!!!

Anna: where and will there be wifi?

The two important questions a teen would ask

Ziva: well I don't know does Disney world Florida have wifi

Anna: omg that's amazing when are we going

Ziva: 3 days

Anna: I better start packing who else is coming with us

Ziva: it's just us 6 the rest have to stay here and work

Shane: I've always wanted to go

Ziva was about to reply when she was cut off by tali pulling on her leg

Tali: ima!!

She started to cry as ziva was not giving her attention

Ziva bent down and swooped up the small child into her arms and she clung on

Tali: abba is scary

She mumbled through her dummie (not sure what other people call it)

Ziva could only just make out what she said

Ziva: I know he is do you want some milk

She nodded

Ziva brushed tali's curls from her face. Her adorable green eyes beamed as she stared holes into zivas body and ziva made the bottle of milk.

Ziva: here you go tateleh

Ziva: go start packing Shane, Amelia I will meet you in your room

Anna's POV

I was sooo excited we have never been on holiday before and Disney world Florida looks amazing. I decided to text jake

To jake:

I'm going on holiday to Disney world Florida!!!! You should be jealous

Love from Anna xx

A few minutes later I got a reply

To Anna:

LUCKY!!! We are going to visit Gibbs dad but it's no where near as exciting as Disney world!!!!! I am so jealous

Love from jake xx

I started writing a reply and put down my phone. I should probably start packing

I took out the blue flowery suitcase I had since I was 4 and started filling it with lots of items. I packed my bikini 3 vest tops, a summer dress, 3 pairs of shorts and 2 pairs of jeans and 3 normal tops and some were special brands and my faviourite one direction top and 5 seconds of summer top that I loved. I also packed a pair of hightops and sandals and converses

Anna: I think that's me mostly done

Ziva: good pizzas here

Anna: pizza!!!!!

Zivas POV

I answer the door to a attractive young man who's eyes were moving around my body way to much

Ziva: how much is it

Pizza dude: $14.87 hey would you like to get some drinks?

I held out my hand

Ziva: married

Pizza dude: can't blame a guy for trying you are a beauty

Ziva: hey honey! Do you have my gun and a twenty

Pizza dude: a gun? What sort of chick are you. are you a ninja?

Ziva: you could say that

Tony arrived a few seconds later with a twenty dollar bill and my gun though he was confused about the gun but when he saw the pizza guy he smiled like he was impressed with me?

Tony: scaring people with our jobs again babe?

Ziva: cause not

I handed him the twenty and he closed the door

I put the pizza on the table and everyone started to dig in when we were finished there was a knock at the door

I opened it to find a not impressed Gibbs and the pizza guy from earlier

Gibbs: care to explain why this dude thinks you are terrorist and called us to investigate?

Ziva: I dunno boss

I say expressing the boss bit

Pizza guy: but girls shouldn't use weapons

Tony's POV

Gibbs and me chuckled a little and a second later the pizza guy was on the floor getting pinned down on the floor by ziva all you could hear were the squirming of the pizza guy. Ziva then whispered something in his ear and let him up he quikly ran away

Tony: what did you whisper

Ziva: that I am an assassin and could kill him many different ways with just a paper clip.

Gibbs: that's ma girl

She smiled

Ziva: well bye Gibbs

Gibbs: bye guys oh and ziva try not to scare people so much

Ziva: ill try

He smiled and left

Everyone had left to go to their rooms so it was just me and ziva

She closed the door and I span her around kissing her hard. I pushed her up to the wall and she wrapped her tanned legs around my back I was about to put my hands in her shirt when there was a cough

Ziva: OMG Amelia!!!!

Amelia: my eyes there scarred forever!

Ziva: I'm sorry Amelia

I had already put ziva down

Amelia: it's ok it's kinda cute besides I have seen people do that before

Tony: who?

Amelia: Anna and jake!

Tony: WHAT!!!!

Amelia: I'm joking they have only kissed and it was not as intimate as you two

Tony: I'm sorry you had to see that Amelia. And we need a nick name for you because Amelia is too long to keep saying how about milly or Mia or Amy or just princess

Amelia: I like milly!

Tony: milly it is

Ziva: it's a very pretty name milly

Milly: thank you ima can we pack now

Ziva: sure tateleh

Sorry it's not very interesting but I wanted to get it out there next one would be the holiday please comment and vote and follow

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