After the bomb...

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Fireman: the fire is gone but it may not be completely safe

Ziva: I don't care I'm going in

The fireman quickly gives her a helmet and she runs in quickly followed by the rest of the team

Ziva ran up the stairs because the elevator wasnt working

It was all dusty. The only thing standing were the desks

Ziva: kids

Shane came out from under Tony's desk with a scared looking talia and Amelia. They all had scratches but they couldn't see any more damage. There was a body in the middle it was lifeless.

Gibbs: jake!

There were pieces of rumble covering him. They freed him he couldn't breathe easily so A fireman took him out to the ambulances. Kian had a shard of glass in his sign and Lucy had glass in her stomach as they were both by the window. They weren't sure if they would live. McGee ran down to Abby's Lab and Gibbs up to the directors office which was difficult as the stairs had nearly gone.

Gibbs: Jenny!

She was on the floor but breathing luckily

He held her head in his arms

Gibbs: Jen open your eyes

She did her beautiful eyes glistened and smiled at him he leaned down and kissed her then picked her up and brought her down the stairs carefully to another ambulance

McGee: Abby's fine she has mild concussion. Autopsy is a wreck luckily ducky and jimmy were out

Tony: we still don't know where Alicia and Anna are

Alicia: tony!

She could hear him and he heard her.

Tony: Alicia! Where are you

Alicia: elevator with Anna she's unconscious.

Tony: we will get some one to get you out

Another 6 hours later and they were still in a hot elevator with no water or food. Anna was now awake but they were both extreamly dehydrated and both were dizzy

Alicia: tony how much longer

A fireman answered

Fireman: you are stuck between two levels and it is extreamly hard to get to you. There is also no air vent in the top making it near impossible to get there. How's the girl?

Alicia: dehydrated we both are I think she may slip back out of consciousness very soon.

Anna: please help us

Fireman: I'm trying as best as i can just stay with us miss

Anna: I'm trying

Alicia: so mister fire fighter what's your name

Firefighter: brody Charles and yourself

Alicia: Alicia DiNozzo

Brody: your the agents wife? Or other daughter?

Alicia: not wife that's the female agent and not daughter either he is my older brother his daughter is Anna the other girl here

Brody: how old are you and her

Alicia: I'm 20 she's 14

Brody: well maybe after we are done here you would like to go for drinks

Alicia: you havnt even seen me yet you are still hitting on me even with my brother present

Brody: your brother is checking on the others and I can tell just by your voice you are beautiful

Alicia laughed then slipped out of consciousness

Brody: Alicia? Are you there

Anna: Brody she isn't breathing!

Brody cursed under his breathe

Brody: start CPR

Anna did so for about 5 minutes

Anna: I can feel a pulse brody I did it

Brody sighed a sigh of relief

Brody: well done Anna well done

Two hours later they managed to some how get them free and they were rushed to hospital. The doctors started work immidetley the ones in danger of dying were kian, Lucy, Anna and Alicia the others needed treatment but could leave.

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