Abby shot ray?!

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No ones POV

Ray fell how we don't know yet but the shot came from a building close by. The NCIS team are shocked when we discover who took the shot because it was such a perfect shot.

Ziva: Abby...

Abby: hey guys!!!

Abby was on one of the buildings holding a gun

Ziva: come here

She did so

Gibbs: good shot abbs

Ziva: when did you get so good

Abby: practice makes perfect

Tony: well it's late and we left the kids at NCIS with Abby wait

Abby: ducky has them

Tony: yeah but abbs ducky works with dead people not alive 0-14 year old kids he has probably been killed

Gibbs: lets go!

Everyone piled into the cars and sped off when they got to NCIS everyone rushed down to autopsy

In autopsy the children were sat on the floor listening to one of duckys intriguing stories

Tony: having fun

Amelia (signing): daddy!!

She ran into his arms

Tony (signing): hello pumpkin 🎃

Ducky: they have been a pleasure to have company

Ziva: thanks ducky

Anna handed talia to ziva

Tony: ready to go then

Shane: yep I'm exhausted and it's my birthday tomorrow and we have left aunt nettie alone in the house

They all left in a hurry

When they were back at the house talia and Amelia were already asleep

Everyone went to bed and so did tony and ziva

Ziva: I thought he was going to kill you today

Tony: I thought he was going to kill you and do some other stuff I don't like to mention

Ziva: I can't help thinking that Abby didn't pull the trigger

Tony: what do you mean

Ziva: the bullet came from a different building to the one Abby was stood on. I think she did shoot at something but I think someone else saved out lives tony

Tony: who

Ziva: that's the question I want to answer I just can't think who would want to save us that wasnt already there

Tony: they could be a friend but they could be a enemy wanted to kill us for themselves

Ziva: we should talk to Gibbs tomorrow and by the way you still stink of rubbish

Tony: thanks ziva

They yawned in sync and decided it was time to sleep little did they know what lies ahead

Sorry it's soooo short but I wanted to Finnish this chapter here more to come tonight (England's tonight) so stay tuned

Who do you think actually shot Ray or do you think it was abby

Find out soon maybe not in the next chapter but by the end those questions will be answered

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