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Ok so I have decided to continue thanks to many people saying continue or to do a sequal I decided it would be better as one story for now

Ziva was led in the bed with her eyes closed and she was a ghostly white the only thing that told us she was breathing was the annoying beep from the machine. Abby came in every day and brushed her brown locks. Anna and Shane both visited together and whispered things in her ear that they would tell no one. Amelia was confused and tali cried for hours until she fell asleep. Gibbs spent more time in his basement and was grumpier than usual. Jenny had a short temper and McGee was constantly annoyed the only ones who did not share there thoughts were the kids well not to us anyway and me well I'm just trying to hold everyone together but I still cried myself to sleep.

I sat in the uncomfortable plastic hospital chair just staring at my beautiful wife. Before I slipped into a dream

Ziva: I love you too tony

All those years we had not admitted it. We had gone through so much together and I must say I hated her for replacing Kate, yes I liked Kate more than a partner should well Kate was beautiful and sweet but ziva was different I liked her when she walked in accusing me of phone sex but that just showed her sense of humour. Jeanne, E.J, Michael, Adam and Ray all left but me and her were together from start to Well now

Tony: ziva you have to wake up I love you

Ziva: I love you too

That's when I opened my eyes and checked on her of course she was still asleep but for a second there was a tiny feeling of hope still there.

Suddenly the heart rate monitor started quickening indicating something was happening and I was once again pushed away by doctors and nurses

2 hours later and doctor came to the waiting room

Doctor: family of mrs David-dinozzo

We all stood

Doctor: she has awoken.

He smiled

Tony: can I go see her

He nodded I rushed to her room and sure enough she was sat up in bed

Ziva: hello tony

She turned her head to me

I didn't say anything just ran to her bed side and kissed her passionately

Ziva: guessed you missed me

Tony: you could say that

Ziva: I love you

Tony: I love you to baby

Ziva shot me a glare

Tony: but seriously ziva I never want you to leave ever again me and the kids missed you like crazy i am most definitely in love with you whether you like it or not

Ziva: I don't like it I love it and I am head over feet in love with you

Tony: head over heels ziva your head over heels in love with me

Ziva: that too

Tony: it's good to have the old ziva back

Ziva: good to be back but I want to see the rest of my family not just you

Everyone came and squished in how I will never know and we were whole again

Sorry it's so short but wanted to give you something because I won't be updating till Monday probably please comment vote and follow

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now