Chapter 15

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That afternoon when Josh and Chrisy burst the front door open, Kenny and her dad stood in the foyer discussing unknown matters. But as soon as she greeted them, Kenny had subtly made her aware of a hickey on her neck and she quickly clasped her fingers around it and excused herself to her bedroom hoping her dad did not notice; but with Horace, you could never really tell.

They spent the rest of the evening at Chrisy's house, getting much more work done because there could be absolutely no display of affection infront of Horace and Josh was still worried about how Horace would respond to his daughter's new boyfriend.

The smell, of Early morning Chai, the Indian milk tea that Reid had made floated towards Josh's nose, as he made his way to the kitchen. It smelt like heaven. Flavours of cardamom, nutmeg and ginger draped him by the colar and pulled him towards the kitchen and he quickened his pace.

After Kalari exercises and meditation it was the Perfect way to start a monday morning, he thought.

They sat and had their usual early morning chit chat over brew.

"So what do we do when she calls today?" Reid asked his brother.

"Same thing we've been doing all weekend...ignore her."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Reid continued.

"What do you suggest then? Tell Horace?"

"Maybe he could..."

"I was joking. You know that's not an option...if we do we may as well tell him about the airport...and the FBI thing..."

"Fine...we'll ignore her then, can I just say... we're screwed.." Reid concluded.

Even though school assigned sessions were over for now for Josh and Chrisy they found that they would still spend their evenings together for the most part. Josh still had to report to Horace after school as his week off was about over, but he didnt mind. It was ideal how everything had just fallen into place. Josh had his foot ball practices on the same evenings Chrisy had cheer leading and on the other evenings they would be at Chrisys house. As they were today.

"Lets take a walk..." Chrisy suggested at the end of what seemed like endless chatter. Who would have thought they'd have so much to talk about. So much in common.

"Where to?" Josh asked curiously.

"You'lle see..."

He followed her eagerly through the kitchen to a part of the house he had never seen before. Through corriders and finally down a semi dark staircase.

" this where you kill me?" He Joked.
She stopped abruptly.

" How'de you figure it out?" She decorated her reply with evil laughter. Then with a giggle she turned to him.

"But you could bargain for your life..." She said sheepishly as she met his gaze. She pinned him against the wall at the end of the narrow corridor and he kissed her softly on her lips.

Then she flicked the light switch on.

They were in the garage.

Josh eyed the brightly lit interior. He slipped from beneath her grip as if she was no longer the most interesting thing in the room. He scanned at least 6 cars straight away.

" freakin way, this is a 1964 GTO..."

"It is?"

"'s the classic grandfather had one of these, he worshipped it" he ran his hand over the hood and his face lit up like a light bulb. He glanced again around the room. She didn't have to ask if he was into cars.

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