Chapter 41

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Chrisy saw his eyes were glossy but a tear dear not spill.

A war had started in him. She saw it in his eyes, in his demeanor. His heart was broken.

"You left? Not even goodbye?"

"I had no choice. I couldn't marry her. I went straight home and I told Reid I was leaving. He was already packed. He just wished and waited for me to say the word, so when I finally did we swiped dad's money and left. There was no time for goodbye...I didn't have a choice." He repeated.

He looked at Kayla's picture on the table where it lay singled out from all the rest.

" I did the right thing... right Chrisy?"

He was still unsure. Still trying to convince himself.

"Yes....of course you did...I'm so sorry things happened that way,"

He sighed deeply and ran his fingers over his hair.

He replaced his pictures but his hands quaked all through the process.

Quickly Chrisy reached for his trembling hands. She held them until they didn't shake so violently.

She cupped his face in her palms.

"Josh...look at me... none of this is your fault. You did what you had to do. I'm sure she understands."

" I don't think so, would you forgive me for leaving you like that?"

"Wait, you haven't spoken since?"

"No. I've tried but she..."

The sound of Horaces voice interupted.

"It's dinner time."It said.

"We'll be right there." Chrisy replied. "'ll stay right? We could talk some more after." she held his hands once more, but he pulled them back.

"I'm sorry Chrisy. I cant," His eyes seemed dark and distant.

He got up from the sofa.

"I should go," he said.

"But Josh...?"

He lead the way to the foyer and she closely followed at his heals.

"It's fine," he said without looking at her.

Then he just open the door and left.

Chrisy now wondered if she had done the right thing. Josh had opened up to her but somehow she didn't feel the way she expected to feel. She felt better to some extent, she supposed. But what about Josh? What had it done to him?

Josh hurried up the stairs of his front porch when he got home. When he was inside he slammed the door into its hinges.

"Hey...who pissed in your punch?" Reid greeted.

Josh didnt answer.

Reid followed him. He sensed something was wrong.

"I thought you were at Chrisy's,"

He paused and looked at his brother.

" I was."

Reid knew that look too well. He recognized the darkness. He'd seen it there before.

Josh headed up the stairs.

"Wait a second..." Reid called after him.

But Josh didnt wait. He went straight to his room and locked the door.


He called and called but there was no reply.

He dialed Chrisys number instantly.

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