Chapter 13

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   Josh and Reid accepted a shocking invitation from Horace to have dinner with him Friday evening. However shocking, they did not reject.

Dinner began quietly, but slowly the mood warmed up and chatter and laughter filled the room. Horace had not seen Josh since his injuries and decided having him and his brother over would be a great gesture to show that he was in his thoughts, but Josh continued to be intimidated by him. Especially since he and his daughter were now an item, which , by the way, Horace didn't know yet.

   An hour after dinner, Josh and Reid played pool in the den while Chrisy and Kerry went to get them drinks, Horace had promised he'd join them soon.
Reid applauded his own winning streak even though he knew it was only possible  because of the injury his brother was nursing.

   A mission impossible ring tone interrupted Josh's winning shot and he missed the cue ball altogether.

"Dang this stupid phone!"

"Dang that stupid ring tone..." Reid corrected him as he pulled the phone from his pocket. He saw the caller ID and froze. He stared at the phone as if it was a strange thing and the ringing of it spun around in his head like a whirlpool. Shock cemented his featured for a couple seconds and he could do nothing. When reality surfaced he rejected the call quickly and returned the phone to his pocket. He looked as if he had seen a ghost and his brother approached him in concern.

"What is it?"

   Before Josh could even reply, Reid's phone now began ringing. When he checked the caller ID it was like dejavou. The same expression his brother had had on his face a moment ago was now all over his. He switched it off. His hands shook nervously as he looked at his brother.

"How? I don't understand." Josh expressed.

Reid didn't reply . He turned away from Josh and that told him things.

"You know about this, what did you do?"

"I didn't...I'm not was an accident."


"She sent me a friend request under false pretenses the other day...I swear, I didn't know it was her...and...I accepted."

"What! When were you going to tell me this?" Josh got frantic. "So she knows things? She knows where we are, our phone numbers."

"I blocked her the moment I realized what I had done. I hoped she didn't get any info... but I guess...I didn't know how to tell you I...I messed up."

Josh tried to process his thoughts, he took a deep breath.

"Well, the green eyed monster finally reared its ugly head." Josh suddenly said.

"What?" Reid asked confused. He expected Josh to be really mad.

"I'm the one always messing up and you had to get jealous... look, we'll just duck the calls. She can't post cause you blocked her...A mean, she can't keep calling forever...right? What's the worst that could happen?"


"Rhetorical Reid...I don't even want to know what your thinking right now."

Things were just beginning to settle in , and now this. Its funny how one phone call could ruin everything. Entire lives, entire futures, entire loves.

   It was a bit difficult for Josh and Reid to shake troubling thoughts from their minds for the rest of the evening but they had no choice. Not around Horace, or their girlfriends. They had to keep up a facade. And they did. Even when Chrisy was convinced that Josh wasn't himself he had convinced her otherwise. And still warming up to the new nature of their relationship, she didn't press the issue. She still got nervous when they were close, when they touched. And she was not very good at keeping that under wraps.

"I guess we'll have to hook up tomorrow, after your thing at the center...we're so far behind on our presentation." He said to her in a deep whisper, that tickled her ear and made her breath hitch.

"Yeah...I totally forgot about that...I guess we could do that..." she replied with rose pink cheeks.

Josh smiled at how easily he made her blush. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's a date then, I'll buy the coffee..."

" ..and I'll drink it..." she giggled shyly, Just before being interrupted by her fathers presence in the room. She moved away from Josh so quickly she lost her balance.

"Ill drink it? " She repeated to herself trying to make sense of her reply."who says that?" But then she just smiled to herself because she knew how things would play out. She would call him later and they'de cement there plans and they'de spend there Saturday together, and it would be great.

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