Chapter 12

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Quickly they pulled their lips apart but not their gaze.

"We're back." Kerry announced.

Although no answer came from them she continued.

"... And we should get going, before the calls start going out."

Josh gathered Chrisy's books for her and placed them in her hands.

They still had not exchanged any words. She loaded her backpack and Josh walked her to the door.

"I'll call you" he promised her.

   Josh had said nothing to his brother. His heart still sped way beyond its normal pace as if he was still in the moment. He went straight to the kitchen and turned the stove on. Reid had followed closely behind him. He emptied the contents of a milk carton into a small sauce pan and set in on the lit burner. He reached for turmeric. He added one heaped spoonful in, then another, then another. He dipped the spoon once more for another.

"Josh!" Reid stopped him.
He held onto his hand so he wouldn't add another spoonful of turmeric to the milk.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Um...I'm making...the milk thing..."

His brother took the spoon from him.

"I'll do it..."

"What?...why?" Josh had already added 2 teaspoons more than he was suppose to and he was reaching for another.

He obediently went to sit at the table, unusually silent.

Minutes later Reid set a mug before him. And sat opposite to him.

"So...what did she say?"


"Well clearly something happened...your all dazed and shit..."

"I kissed her...and it was...perfect."

Josh said still hazey from the experience, unable to fully reenter reality.

"I should call her..." he reached for the phone on the table but Reid pulled it away.

"Are you crazy? You can't call yet? She's barely out the drive... That's against the rules..."

"What rules?"

"The rules Josh... let her think about it for a while, you don't want to seem too anxious."

"But I am long does your stupid rules suggest I wait?

"I dont know...half an hour maybe..."

Josh sat and waited as his brother suggested.

Five minutes seemed like 5 years.

He drank his tea.

He figited.

He tapped his fingers on the table, checked his watch, over and over again the cycle repeated itself, until Reid was tired of it and handed him the phone.

Hastily he grabbed it and dialed, but just as hastily he hung up on the first ring.

"Why'd you...?"

"What am I going to say?"

Reid chuckled.

"Your acting very strangely..."

Josh chuckled too at his own behavior.

"I know..." he ran his hands down his face "...of course I know what to say...what's wrong with me?"

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