Chapter 32

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It had been two full weeks since that fateful Monday evening that Chrisy had met Josh's mother for the first time and had told her the news that had kept her heart aching.

Even though she had avoided Josh, and Josh had to endure the torture of it, life still happened, giving no regard to the pain they both continued to experience. why'd life always have to be so cruel?

The Friday evening foot ball game brought everyone out to the school field in full flare.

Bright stadium type lights lit the field and danced across the lush green grass as the players rolled out in their colors. Red, black and gold. The school colors. The cheer leaders flashed their pompoms and put on a show for the crowd in the bleachers and they cheered them on with screams and the blowing of horns.

Reid searched the field for his brother. Then when he found him and was satisfied he studied the cheer leaders. He was searching for his girl. That's all he had to quench his unbearable thirst for her. And when his eyes found their target, they rested. The sight of her satisfied him like a glass of water in a dessert cascading down his parched throat and cooling down the heat he felt deep down in his belly. Josh had accused him of acting as if chasing after a girl was beneath him but it wasn't. He had tried to talk to her but he knew little childish gestures would be meaningless to her. It would not have made up for what he had done. He had destroyed the trust she had freely given to him. He didn't know how he could get it back.

On the field Josh ran towards an opposing team member with a determination only to kidnap the ball for his team, maybe hold it hostage for a while until he thought it safe to pass it on, but his opponent wasn't about to let it happen.

Opposing team kicked the ball in the opposite direction and it went flying outside the parameter and out past the cheerleaders towards the bleachers.

Josh ran to retreive it.

He got there and his hands touched the ball to pick it up but right there in his line of sight, just a couple feet away, appeared a couple of gymnast legs, tall and sculpted.

They were familiar.

It was her.

It was Chrisy.

She's was right there in front of him.

He picked the ball up. Then he focused on her as she focused on him. She looked him from head to toe. His face was sweaty and the edges of his hair stuck to his forehead, his brown eyes shining in the shadows of evening light. Sweat glinted off his built biceps like scattered diamonds being hit by a dozen different angles of light.

He was gorgeous.

"Hey..." he said to her. Not really expecting a response. "...I really want to talk to you..." he said. "...two minutes, that's all I ask ..."

"Fine Josh...speak..."

He fumbled.
He was so used to not getting a response that when it came, He wasn't ready for it. He just stood and looked at her. His head was alphabet soup. The letters spun around in it but they wouldn't come together to form words. If he tried to vocalize at that point it would have been gibberish.

Then he remembered he had bought her another gift. Maybe that would say it for him.

"I have..."he began. He patted his pocket. That's when he remembered he wasn't wearing pants. That's right, he was in his foot ball jersey. Her gift was in the pants he had left in the locker room and it was the middle of a game. Only then did he notice his team mates calling for him. He stud there with the ball in his hand between the field and a chance to have Chrisy finally hear him out.

He looked at her then at them.

He was holding up the game but she had offered him a chance to speak.

"Were you going to say something?"She asked.

He glanced back out onto the field.

"I ...."

Chrisy stared at him.

"...I have to go back...but..."

She didn't wait for him to finish, she just turned and left him standing defeated once again.

So gifts didn't work, text messages, phone calls or pop up GIF's. Little gestures of kindness, opening doors, offering to carry her books. Electronic playlist, pretty funfetti balloons.


The most he had gotten out of her was good morning. Only because she was caught off guard and had no choice. And now she had finally given him a chance and he froze.

But at least now he knew she was willing to talk.
If he could catch her on the right day at the right time with the right words, then maybe, just maybe he would have a chance.

But on that day. He would have to make a grand gesture . Something that would impress her. Make her realize he wanted her back. Make her truly see that his intention was never to lie to her or hurt her in any way.

Days later he had his plan. Only now to execute it.

Josh made his way to the Johnson's mansion as soon as school was out. He wanted to beat Chrisy there by at least an hour.

"Mr. H...If it's okay with you, can I put some roses in Chrisy's room for her?"

"Sure...knock yourself out" he said without moving from his desk.

20 minutes later he called out to him when he did not return. He was sure he saw some traffic outside his office multiple times up and down the staircase.

"Josh...what in the world are you doing out there?"

"I'm almost done..." came the response.

Horace paused from his work and became absorbed in a thought. " How hard could it be to find Chrisys room" It did say Chrisys Room on the door in bold pink glitter. How long does it take one to carry a bunch of roses up a flight of stairs?" He shook the thought from his mind and went back to concentrating on his work.

Almost 10 minutes later.
Josh came in and sat at his usual place.

"How many roses did know what....I don't wanna know..." Horace said.

Josh waited anxiously just to hear Chrisy pull up and she soon did.

He took a deep breath and listened as she entered the house and as she made delicate steps up the staircase and to her bedroom.
His heart flipping in his chest with each step she made closer to her door.

Chrisy pulled her room door and what she saw took her breath hostage. Her breath literally hitched in her throat and she took a while to release it.

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