Chapter 43

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Over the course of another two weeks much had changed. What hadn't change, was the way Kerry handled Reid. She just handled him. With a string of insults that only worsened.
Despite Reid's effort to make things right, his text messages went unseen, his calls went unanswered, his gifts got disposed of and kind gestures were ignored.
And boy oh boy boy when he was actually around, and they were face to face, she didn't hesitate to make her position clear.

Such was what started out as a regular day at school and a regular lunch between the four of them. As usual Reid was the last to join them. Chemistry usually had him in the lab for a spell longer on a wednesday.

He hoped today would be different. He hoped it everyday. If she even only said Hello without an insult he'd be satisfied. It would have been a start. Maybe he'd get an amicable sentence out of her the next day, and sentences lead to conversations.

He joined them with his lunch.

Then he addressed her.

"Hey...Ker...I brought you something." He took a cup from his tray and set it next to hers. "...I saw they had the iced mocha you liked today so I..."

"Im good." she answered dismissively.

"Its your favourite..."

"I dont care, I dont want it, you can have it." she said dryly.

"You know I don't like chocolate like that...what am I going to do with it?"

"Lets see..." she said in a slightly exaggerated tone. "...what could you possibly do with it?" she made no attempt to comoflage the sacrasm in her voice. "...I know!"

She picked up the cup, went over to him, plastered her face with a devilish smile and slowly poured every drop down the front of his shirt.

Reid was speachless when the icy beverage ran down his chest. His shirt was drenched and sticky.

"Have a nice day Reid." she concluded and took up her things and left him there.

Reid quickly got to his feet so his shirt wouldn't cling. Just after pounding a frustarted fist into the table.
"Well that clears that up..." he mumbled under his breath, as he watched her walk away.

"Oh my God! " Chrisy exclaimed when the sound finally came from her mouth. Her pink glossed mouth had hung open from the moment Kerry had gotten up, in anticipation of what she knew her friend was about to do.

"Its official, she's lost it."Said Josh shortly after. "...I've been saying she's crazy."

It was lucky for Reid that Josh always had a change of clothes because of random football practices and his sporadic gym visits. And Chrisy never went anywhere without her moist scented towels. That evening Reid went home smelling like a bouquet of spring roses.

It was within that two week also, that Chrisy had witnessed another strange thing with her father.

At the end of a lengthy phone call in his office and what she thought seemed like hours of silence he had come to her room and explained that he had to fly to Italy in two days. "Unexpected Family Business" he had called his reasons. He did not elaborate and Chrisy didn't ask any questions. She knew all the answers already. She couldn't go with him because she had school. She couldn't visit her family on the holidays because it was never the right time for Horace and his family didnt visit because they were busy. 'They have a vinyard to run'. He would say.
But they always sent her their regards, always sent her their love, and yet she was never fortunate enought to be there when they called, or if she was she was never told.
Her uncle Vinny though, had come to visit three times. She cherished his visits and enjoyed his playfull demeanor and his italian accent. After all he was the only part of her fathers family that she knew.

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