chapter 7

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Chrisy smoothed her hair as she went through the large front door to find Josh. She squinted as the sun ambushed her like an angrey mob.

Slowly she approached him but he did not look at her. He only continued.

"Hey...I'm just checking in." She said.

"Hey" he replied, but still not looking in her direction.

"Its hot out...Are you thirsty?




"Tired? Sweaty?.....totally bored?" She continued just to see if his responses would change.

"No, no and no." He didn't look up. She wondered if she was disturbing him."

"Okay then..."she lingered a second or two then she turned to leave."

"Stay." Josh said to her.

"I'd clearly just be in the way..." she responded without turning around.

"Impossible ." He replied as usual and when she turned to face him a smile greeted her. It melted into her. She felt her cheeks heat up and she turned around and lingered.

"Join me" he invited her.

"Nah... I couldn't even begin to do any of that
...I'll just watch."

She went over to the table and bench closest to him on the lawn where he had rested his backpack, his shirt and his shoes and she sat on the table and watched him.

Her mind wandered.

"He was so perfect" she thought.

Her mind went back to earlier that evening how he had rushed to her defense. But a lingering question continued to baffle her mind. "Why was her father so mad at him?"

She left the thought and came back to the present. She watched him as he did a backflip with both hands, then one hand, then no hands at all then into a handstand, he held it for a while and spun around on his hands to where he could look at her. She gave a chuckle at how funny he looked up side down, then he went backwards into a bridge.

"Now that I can do."

Chrisy commented and sprung up from where she sat to stand on the grass near to him. She took her shoes off, shook her arms out and stretched her legs.

"What are you doing?" Josh asked in anticipation.

"Stretching...I don't want to break anything ,I'm not made of rubber bands like you...I've got bones and muscles and all that good stuff." she joked.

She rested both hands on the soft grass, gradually she picked up her legs up into a handstand, she held it a couple seconds searching for her balance, then, slowly she bent her legs backwards and lowered them down into a backbend she stayed there a while.

"See...told ya' I could."she manage to say in the midst of her pose, then there was a pause " do I get down from this again" she suddenly uttered.

Instantly she felt strong arms beneath her. Supporting her back. Spotting her. She swore her heart stopped the second she felt his touch but she pretended not to notice. She leaned into it as he helped her lower herself to the ground then eventually into a sit.

They sat next to each other.

" You look like Cousin It."Josh mocked when her hair came down wildly around her head like a mop. She exhaled forcefully and the section that fell directly to the front blew upwards but then fell right back down into the exact spot. Josh swept it from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

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