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In this chapter, Naozane, Tamaki, and Kyoya are all second years and in the same class. 

"Nagusa!" Suoh yelled and caught up with me. "Isn't great we're in the same class again?" He asked. His friend,  Kyoya Ootori stood behind him now. 

"Only for you," I sighed. "You're about to ask aren't you? Don't ask. My answer isn't going to change." 

"What's it going to take for me to convince you?" Tamaki questioned.

"I must say, your tenacity is impeccable," I complimented then let out a short groan. I turned towards him with a glare. "Why do you really want me to join, huh? It's only because of my stupid cat ears, right? That's the only reason why anyone ever talks to me, so why would you be any different?" I began to frown and looked at the floor. People around us began to stare and watch. I didn't mean to cause a scene.

"Nagusa, that's not-" 

"Leave me alone Suoh. I don't want to join your stupid club," I mumbled and began walking down the crowded hallway again. 

"Fine," the persistent blonde said. His hand held my shoulder tightly, so I couldn't walk further. "If you aren't going to join, let's go eat lunch together." 

"No than-" 

"He'd love to," My sister's voice said from behind me. I turned and glared at her. The short girl was smiling at me like she was proud.

"Great," Suoh smiled. I glanced at Kyoya who was smirking and standing next to the annoying blond. I rolled my eyes and went towards the cafeteria with my hands in my pockets. Mina playfully bumped into me to get my attention.

"You need to make some friends, Nii-chan," she whispered. 

"Are you sure it's not because you think he's cute?" I mumbled. Mina has said that before, so it was a possibility. She gasped and shot a glare at me. 

"Sh-Shut up, baka!" She scolded. Her cheeks reddened and my remark. I let out a small chuckle and shook my head.


"Why did you really want to eat lunch with me?" I asked after he approached me. Our class had just ended. He always went to me after class. Not always to ask me to join, but sometimes just to say hi. I glanced at Suoh a couple timed but never made full eye contact. It's just something I couldn't bring myself to do. After I closed my schoolbag, I began making my way to the door. 

"Well, you never let me eat lunch with you before. You never let me spend time with you at all before," Suoh thought out loud. "I saw your little sister and I knew she'd make you say yes. Nagusa, I understand that you don't want to join. That doesn't mean we can't be friends." Truthfully, the answer surprised me. I didn't think he was that clever.

"And if I don't want to be friends?" I retorted bitterly.

"Well, why wouldn't you want some friends?" He asked and slightly tilted his head. I huffed and turned away from him. 

"Just go to your stupid club, Suoh," I replied and went down the hallway that leads to the front door. The truth is that I did have some friends; it was before we moved here when I was in eighth grade. The group of friends I had wasn't the nicest to Kemonomimi, but they were okay with me. They weren't okay with my harmless skin disease that doesn't affect them at all though. They teased and made fun of me relentlessly. I eventually got away from the group. After them, I became distant towards all the other students. 

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