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"I could convince Kian and Naga to let you spend the night again," Naozane offered and shrugged. "I don't think that would take too much convincing." 

"Yeah, or you could come to my house while my parents and siblings are gone," Kyoya suggested. The two were sitting in the corner of the club room alone. The host club would be starting soon, so they were using this time to talk. 

"I'd have to lie to them. Kian is incredibly protective," the neko responded. "They wouldn't want us in a house alone together."

"We could convince Tamaki to have a sleepover since that would seem less suspicious than either one of us throwing one," Kyoya thought out loud. 

"We can't do something like that at Tamaki's house. I'd feel guilty," Naozane denied. Kyoya gave him a confused looked, Naozane shook his head. "Emina," Naozane stated. "I could get her to throw one, and that way no one will be suspicious, and we can spend the night together." A smile spread across Kyoya's face, and he nodded in agreement. 

"That could work, kitten," Kyoya agreed. "Naozane, are you going to tell me what you've been hiding now?" A guilty expression took over Naozane's face which caused Kyoya to assume the worse. 

"Don't be upset with Tamaki," Naozane mumbled. "After lunch, he brought me food to my room. Tamaki... Tamaki said he has feelings for me." The two sat in silence. Naozane watched Kyoya's facial expressions for any sort of change. 

"He told you that?" Kyoya finally spoke. He became visibly angry. Naozane grabbed his clenched fist and held it between his hands. 

"After I asked him, yes," Naozane muttered. "It's not a big deal, Kyoya. Don't get so worked up over this." 

"Naozane, if you found out one of your friends had feelings for me, how would you feel?" Kyoya replied. He was dripping with anger... and sexiness. 

"He's never acted on his emotions, has he?" Naozane scoffed. Friend? Now he's your friend, huh? "Tamaki has never done anything like that. He helped push us back together when we were arguing too."

"This is different, Naozane. Why didn't you tell me this before? Why'd you keep something like this a secret?" Kyoya scolded. 

"I-I don't want to fight with you anymore. Please, Kyoya, can't we just talk about this normally?" Naozane mumbled and turned his head away. He heard Kyoya sigh before wrapping his arms around the neko. 

"You're right. I'm sorry," Kyoya whispered. HIs lips pecked his forehead. "Next time, if something like this happens, don't keep it from me." His voice was low-toned and caused a shiver to run up Nao's spine. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Naozane whispered. He leaned into his boyfriend and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Please, don't be too harsh on Tamaki." 

Kyoya grunted in response to Naozane and pulled away from him. As he began walking away, Kyoya stated, "Host club hours are starting soon." Naozane rolled his eyes but joined Kyoya and the rest of the group. He knew Kyoya was going to be colder to Tamaki because of this. 

Naozane's POV~

"Yes, I told him. He was upset that I hid something like that from him, but he forgave me," I explained to Emina and Tamaki the two had approached my table a couple minutes into the hosting hours. Luckily, Kyoya was busy at the moment, so he didn't notice the three of us talking. 

"But did he seem angry at Tamaki?" Emina asked. Tamaki had been standing there silently. I guess he felt uncomfortable at the situation. 

"Well, duh. Did you think he'd be okay with one of his club members having feelings for his boyfriend?" I retorted. 

"I didn't mean to cause this much trouble," Tamaki mumbled and flopped down on the couch. I hummed and patted the top of his head. 

"Well, you did, and it's too late to change that," I replied in a rude tone. Emina shot me a glare, and I shrugged. "Well, it's the truth," I mumbled and crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Can't you try and convince Kyoya to be nice and let it go?" Emina whined and hugged me. 

"I can try, but he might not listen. It's not going to be easy to convince someone as stubborn and possessive as Kyoya," I answered and pushed her away. "Are we done? I have things to do." Emina nodded turned back to the boy sitting on the sofa. I turned to Kyoya who was already looking at me. His eyes narrowed, and I rolled mine. 

I can already tell he's going to be asking me a lot of questions about it later. It's not like I'm going to lie to him; I guess, I have to tell him the truth. Kyoya's going to be upset, I'm sure of it. He's always been slightly more attractive when he's possessive or jealous... I can't help it. 


I was in my cat form. This way, it made it harder for Kyoya to try and talk to me. "You're being so difficult," Hikaru complained. I forgot they were talking to me. "We just want to know what you four are hiding."

"We're your friends too! You shouldn't need to hide anything from us!" Kaoru added. I meowed back and turned my head away. If they did know, they'd only make fun of Tamaki, Kyoya, or me. Those two couldn't take anything seriously. 

"Naozane, a word, please," Kyoya said. I tilted my head up and looked at him. He seemed pissed. I meowed back, so Kyoya picked me up and carried me to a different room. He set me down on the couch of the changing room and sat beside me. "Are you going to change forms so we can have a normal conversation?" 

I shifted into my chibi form. "Kyoya's angwy," I mumbled and crawled into his lap.  "Why is Kyo so angwy?" I grumbled in a baby voice. I sat on his lap and curled close to his chest. His hands cradled my small body. 

"Naozane," Kyoya muttered. "Do you love me?" My eyes widened, and I turned to face him. I changed my forms again. 

"What do you mean? Why would you ask that?" I asked quickly. I sighed and added, "You know I love you more than anything." 

"I'm only making sure," Kyoya answered. His hand rested on the small of my back since I was still sitting on his lap. 

"Is this because of Tamaki?" I whispered. My boyfriend slowly nodded. "You're jealous, aren't you? You're being possessive and overprotective." 

"I can't help myself, love," Kyoya muttered. His lips brushed against my neck. "I don't want to lose you ever." Kyoya began leaving small kisses on my neck and jawline. 

"If you keep doing stuff like that, I'm not going to be able to contain myself, Kyoya," I grumbled and closed my eyes. His kisses began to get more passionate and recent. Soon, his lips were pressed against mine, and his hands were gripping my hips and outer thighs. 

"I'm not asking you to," Kyoya whispered against my lips. 

WC 1186 

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