3K 111 24

My heart was beating fast in my chest, and my nerves were killing me. I had somewhat of an idea of what Kyoya wanted to talk about, but the possibilities were endless. There were only three things I was positive about at the moment: I love him, I don't want to argue with him anymore, and he was going to ask about what happened with Tamaki and me. Kyoya and I sat on the couch in the living room beside each other. "Kyoya," I started but paused. I kept my eyes near the ground and intertwined my fingers with his. "I love you." 

"I love you too," he replied quickly. I felt his lips on my forehead for a quick second. "I know I was wrong. I shouldn't keep things from you." 

"Neither should I," I mumbled. I still couldn't bring myself to lift my head to look at him. Kyoya's free hand cupped my cheek and guided my face towards him. Instinctively, my tail coiled itself around his arm. 

"I understand why you were upset with me for saying that about Tamaki. If it wasn't for him, we'd probably still wouldn't be speaking to each other. I'm sorry for pushing you away, Kitten. I'm sorry for not being patient with you," Kyoya whispered. I began pulling my head back to avoid eye contact, but Kyoya didn't let me. 

"I overreacted, I'm sorry," I whispered. "Will you just hold me...?" My eyes met his once more. A small smile covered his face. His arms wrapped around my figure and held me close to his chest. 

"What happened with Tamaki and you? I can tell something happened, Kitten. You can't tell me all those sad looks you give each other mean nothing," Kyoya whispered. I sighed and curled up closer to him. 

"Yeah, something did happen. Can we just not talk about it right now?" I whispered. "I swear, we'll talk about it later. Why do you keep asking about him?" 

"Becuase I'm jealous," Kyoya answered quietly. I didn't reply or move. I never thought Kyoya would be jealous; Kyoya didn't seem like the type to get jealous. 

"You don't have to be," I muttered and closed my eyes. Kyoya said something under his breath about me "not understanding" and how I "didn't get it", but I ignored it. 


Kyoya and I stayed on the couch of the room. He was laying on his stomach with his head resting on my bare chest. "Kyoya," I whispered and pecked his head. 

"What?" Kyoya slightly groaned in response. I sighed and continued running my fingers through his hair. 

"The guys, Haruhi, and Emina are coming back inside," I explained. Kyoya grunted and shifted, but he stayed int he same spot. 

"I don't care," Kyoya answered. He lifted his head and stared into my eyes for a second. "You're adorable, Naozane." 

'Shut up," I scoffed and leaned forward to kiss him. "Don't call me that." 

"Are you telling me not to call you Naozane or adorable?" Kyoya chuckled. He pecked my lips again, but it only lasted a couple seconds. 

"Both," I answered. My tail wrapped around his hips. I preferred when he called me Kitten instead. When he did, I could tell he wasn't angry or upset. Kyoya propped himself up and hovered over me. 

"Hmm, last time I checked you don't make the rules," Kyoya whispered. "You don't wear the pants in the relationship, Kitten." 

"Kyoya, no," I groaned as his lips made contact with my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let out an annoyed sigh. "They're literally outside," I whispered. The door opened and Kyoya lifted his head from my neck. 

"Yeah, they made up," both of the twins stated. I pushed Kyoya off of me and avoided eye contact with any of the others hosts. 

"What are you guys doing in here? Don't you know how to knock?" I snapped at them. 

"Naozane's back to normal now too," Hikaru and Kaoru added. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't want to look at them; I'm embarrassed. The group had to be around for the first big argument Kyoya and I had, so I feel a bit uncomfortable. 

"We need to start packing soon," Emina explained. "Let's go, Naozane." Emina grabbed my wrist and dragged me up the stairs along with Tamaki. We stood in the hallway of the second floor, but we could still hear the others downstairs. The twins were teasing Kyoya, and Kyoya was threatening them if they didn't stop, so nothing was unusual. 

"Did you tell Kyoya about..." Tamaki asked but trailed off. I could only assume he was talking about the feelings he admitted to having. 

"I haven't told him about your feelings. Kyoya knows something happened between us, and I'm going to have to tell him soon," I answered and shrugged. 

"Y-yeah, right. I can't ask you to lie to him for me," Tamaki replied. His voice sounded calm and controlled, but I could see his true emotions in his eyes. I could tell Kyoya was worried over how Kyoya would react. It's not like he acted on his feelings, so there was nothing he had to worry about. 

The voices of the others began growing louder, so we split ways and went to our rooms to pack. 

Not much time passed before Kyoya entered my room and sat on the bed. "I really wish we weren't arguing. How many chances are we going to have to spend the night in the same room?" I hummed.  

"Are you implying we should've done something inappropriate?" Kyoya replied. I stared at him for a couple seconds before replying. 

"I never said that. All I said was that we could've spent the night together," I answered and shrugged. My smile turned into a smirk as I turned to face him. "I guess I know where your mind is at now." Kyoya narrowed his eyes at me. 

"I could arrange something, so we can be in the same house overnight if that's what you want, kitten," Kyoya replied. 

"It wouldn't be so bad," I answered. "Maybe we could convince Kian and Naga to let you stay over again. Or I could spend the night at your place...?" Kyoya hummed and watched as I stepped closer to him. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me onto the bed. "How much time do we have?" I whispered. "Are you done packing?" 

"I'd say about twenty minutes," Kyoya answered and nodded. I hummed and thought for a second. Maybe, they'll spend so much time messing around that it'll take longer...? Fuck it. I pulled him closer to me and pressed my lips against his. Kyoya pushed me back onto the mattress and instantly kissed me back. 

Wc 1137

I want to do a Q&A sort of thing but I feel like none of you really care enough... Oh well.

Comment your thoughts and all that shit. Idk anymore.

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