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Get your head out of the gutter for just a moment to read what I have to say. This chapter, this special chapter took me a couple hours to write. I've never written a lemon this long, so I hope it was at least decent.

This shit is detailed. Writing this shit made me feel dirty.

This shit is also 1350 words long. This is and will always be the longest lemon I will write.  

Kyoya's hand caressed Naozane's bare hip. An hour has passed, and the two were left in Naozane's room completely undisturbed. Both boys had matching lovebites littered their necks and chests due to the solitude. "Kitten, I can't wait any longer," Kyoya whispered. His lips left small butterfly kisses up his jawline. The neko hummed and closed his eyes to fully enjoy the feeling of Kyoya's lips on his skin.

"What if they hear us?" Naozane whimpered a little when Kyoya pulled away. His hand continued softly stroking the skin near the hem of Nao's underwear.

"It'll be fine, love. Let me have you," Kyoya's voice was deep and slightly gravelly. It sounded similar to the voice of someone who had just woken up. Kyoya lifted his body over Naozane's and pinned the neko underneath him.

"Kyoya," Naozane groaned softly and lifted his head up to connect his lips with Kyoya's. Naozane's hands played with the ends of Kyoya's hair as Kyoya tongue slid across his lower lip. Before Nao could reply, Kyoya's hand firmly groped his ass cheek and pushed his tongue into the neko's mouth. 

Naozane could feel himself begin to harden. He'd never admit it, but he loved how dominant Kyoya was being. Naozane loved how effortlessly Kyoya took control, and he loved how rough but passionate Kyoya was being. 

Nao's hips began to rock back and forth against Kyoya's to create some sort of friction between the two. "Kyoya, please," Naozane whimpered slightly. 

His half-lidded eyes and swollen lips were what Kyoya was paying attention. Kyoya enjoyed watching Naozane squirm in pleasure beneath him. He's very proud of what he did to the boy he loves. Any doubt he had of Naozane not returning his feelings was completely gone because of the sight that was in front of him. 

"You're so hot, Naozane," Kyoya muttered. As he muttered those words, he noticed how happy it made Naozane feel. It was subtle, but Kyoya could tell that Naozane loved hearing Kyoya praise him. Kyoya rested his head on Naozane's shoulder. He decided to continue giving the neko small praises. Naozane let out a small groan and whine then closed his eyes tightly. "You're so beautiful, Kitten. Every part of you is amazing. Don't forget that, okay?" 

"Y-yes, Kyoya," Naozane muttered and began thrusting his hips against Kyoya's even harder. His hand reached down to the prominent bulge in Kyoya's boxer briefs. Naozane cupped it gently before massaging it. 

"Your hand feels very good, Kitten. I know your mouth feels even better," Kyoya's lust-filled voice whispered. Naozane gently pushed Kyoya off of him and straddled his legs. Without looking up at him, Naozane began to push the hem of his underwear down. Kyoya's fingers ran through Naozane's hair and gently tugged at the neko's ears. "Come on, Kitten," Kyoya whispered and cupped Nao's cheek. "Look at me. I want to see your beautiful eyes." 

"K-Kyoya," Naozane hummed. Kyoya's now unclothed member sprung up and hit his stomach. Even if this wasn't the first time something like this happened, Naozane could help but to feel a little nervous. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to do a good enough job, but the quiet compliments and praises gave him reassurance.

 It wasn't until now that their eyes met. Naozane hesitantly wrapped his slender fingers around Kyoya's shaft. After adding a little pressure by gently squeezing Kyoya's length, Naozane began to move his hand in an up and down motion. 

"Fuck, Kitten," Kyoya grunted. Both of his hands gently but firmly gripped Naozane's hair. "Don't tease me, Love." Naozane's pace quickened. His lips lightly kissed the top of his member, which was already leaking a clear liquid substance, before bringing him into my mouth completely. "Good Kitten," Kyoya grunted. He continued quietly praising Naozane. The praises he received encouraged him to continue even more. 

Soon, Naozane began bobbing his head up and down. He began taking in more of Kyoya's length. Muffled groans and moans left Kyoya's lips. The other hosts were still downstairs, so there was a chance the two could wake them up. Instead of listening to those thoughts in his head, Naozane listened to the words that left Kyoya's lips.  

"You're amazing, Kitten," Kyoya whispered. His fingers combed through the hair on Naozane's head. "I love you, my adorable kitten." Naozane felt himself beginning to throb. He desperately wanted Kyoya to touch him. Without warning, a warm, sweet but salty liquid filled the neko's mouth. Naozane's eyes met Kyoya's as he lifted his head. "Such a good boy," Kyoya muttered. He quickly pinned Naozane down and kissed up his neck. "For being such a good Kitten, you deserve a prize." 

"Kyoya, I need you to touch me, please," Nazoane whimpered and moved his hips against Kyoya's. 

"Of course, Kitten," Kyoya whispered. In a swift motion, he pulled Nao's boxers off which left him completely exposed. "You're so beautiful," Kyoya whispered. His hand traced along the line were the unpigmented skin met the pigmented. His lips wrapped around Naozane's throbbing member, and his free hand (the hand that wasn't pinning Nao's legs open) began caressing Nao's ass. 

Kyoya's index finger began slowly entering the ring of muscle. "Just relax, Kitten," Kyoya muttered. He reached over to the small bottle he placed on Nao's nightstand when he wasn't paying attention.

"K-Kyoya..? What are you doing?" Naozane moaned slightly. Kyoya's dark eyes met Naozane's slightly worried ones. 

"Relax, Kitten. It's going to hurt a little at first, but it'll feel better soon," Kyoya whispered. "You want me to do this, right?" Kyoya sat up and placed a pillow beneath Nao's lower back to prop him up a little.

"Y-yeah," Naozane mumbled. The neko's heart was pounding in his chest. He did want this to happen; he wanted to give himself to Kyoya completely. Naozane was a little nervous, but he refused to tell Kyoya that. It's not like he needed to anyway; Kyoya could read him like a book.

"I'll be gentle and slow. If you want me to stop at any time, tell me. I won't be upset if you decide that you don't want this," Kyoya whispered. He leaned in close to Naozane and placed a small love-filled kiss on his lips. 

"I want you to fuck me," Naozane whispered and wrapped his arms around Kyoya's bare shoulders. A smile spread across Kyoya's face. He began pressing the tip of his shaft into Naozane. 

A pained look spread across Naozane's face. Kyoya frowned and began kissing the skin on his collarbones. "You feel so good, Kitten. I'll stay still until you're ready," Kyoya whispered. A minute or two later, Naozane began grasping onto Kyoya's biceps. 

"You-you can move," Naozane whispered. Kyoya hummed and rocked his hips back and forth at a slow pace. That continued for another minute until Naozane let out a quiet moan and said, "Faster, Kyoya. Please, go faster."

"Of course. Anything for my kitten," Kyoya whispered. He began increasing the speed of his thrusts. "Fuck, Naozane," Kyoya grunted and forcefully smashed his lips onto the neko's. One of his arms kept him propped over Naozane, and his other hand began pumping Naozane's member. 

"K-Kyoya, please... I'm so close," Naozane whispered. Kyoya grunted in response. His hips were roughly snapping back and forth. Both males were panting and covered in a thin coat of sweat. Were they going to take a shower after this? Hopefully, but probably not until early in the morning which is kind of gross. 

Both boys released onto Naozane's stomach; one right after the other. Pure bliss and pleasure washed over their bodies. Kyoya stayed hovering over Naozane for a second. Once their highs were over, Kyoya pressed a small kiss onto Naozane's forehead. "You did great, Kitten. You were wonderful."

Naozane fought the smile on his face and looked down to his cum-covered torso. "U-um... I should at least rinse off," Naozane muttered. He tried acting like Kyoya's words didn't affect him, but the red glow on his cheeks proved otherwise.

"Yeah," Kyoya let out a small laugh and smiled at his flustered neko.

WC 1350

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