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"What did you need to talk about?" Sekian asked as he sat in front of me. Crap, this is going to get emotional. 

"I'm only telling you because I need help. Know that I think about it, I should've gone to Mina first, but it's too late now," I explained and paused. He looked at me with a worried face. "Just uh, please don't tell the others. I-I think I'm gay... or bisexual... I don't know. I like guys," I whispered. 

"We figured you did. You never had a girlfriend and you don't show any interest in them all. Can we tell them right now?! They'll be happy for you!"

"Why would they be happy?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"Because they want you to be happy," Kian answered. "It'll be okay." He began hugging me, so I pushed him away slowly. "Don't be so worried. Nori-chan and Emina both know I like both genders and they don't care. Do you want to go and tell them now?" I slowly nodded, so he began pulling me downstairs. 

"Hey, what's up?" Naganori asked when she saw us both standing in front of her. Other than for meals, we were almost never in the same room. That's why we always ate dinner together. 

"Naozane has something to tell you," Sekian said. He nudged me when I stayed quiet. I shook my head and shoved my hands into my pocket. "You said you'd tell them," He sighed. I shrugged and kept my eyes on the ground. "Then I'll say it for you," Kian answered. I shrugged. "Nao likes boys." 

"Is that true, Zane?" Nori asked. I nodded and ran back to my room. I don't really know why I did it. It felt weird being in that room. I was lying face down on my bed when Mina ran into the room and jumped onto my back. 

"Does this mean my ship has a chance?" She gasped. "Aw, that'd be, so cute. We can talk about guys together now." 

"Leave me alone," My muffled voice answered. 

"You know, the only reason Nori didn't come up here was that they thought you'd like some space. Nori told me to go to my room, but I wanted to see you," She explained. She nuzzled her face into my back and hugged me tighter. "We don't care that you're gay. We were waiting for the day that you would come out," She continued. "I'm kind of happy that you did. Now, you don't have to hide anything." 

"It's not like I'm going to talk about my feeling with you now," I scoffed and lifted my head. "Who do you ship me with?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"Well, there's two," She paused. I knew she was about to begin ranting. "One with Mori-senpai, and Tamaki-senpai. You and Tamaki have very different personalities, but you both care for each other. He makes you happy, but I know you won't admit it. Mori cares about you too. He's a patient, understanding guy, and he can understand how you're emotionally closed off." 

"Are you done yet?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. I pushed her off my back and laid beside her. 

"Fine, I'll stop. Hold on, are you blushing?" She teased. 

"Get out of my room," I answered quickly. 


"Out. I need quiet," I groaned as I pushed my head back into my pillow. 


I ended up falling last night around four in the morning and ate while everyone else slept. "You seem a little off," Tamaki pointed out. I shrugged and continued eating my food. "Did you get enough sleep?" 

"I'm fine, Tamaki. Stop asking questions," I retorted. He frowned and set his fork down. 

"Are you sure? You know we're friends now. You can tell me anything!" He said happily. I shook my head and waved him off. I didn't feel like telling them at the moment. 

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