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"I'll walk you out," Kyoya offered. He picked up my bag and began walking towards the stairs. I crossed my arms over my chest as I followed him. I knew I was going to pass at least one of his siblings. When we stood at the front door, Kyoya turned to me and handed me my bag. "I'll see you later, Kitten." 

"Yeah," I whispered. I flung my bag over one shoulder and looked to the floor. I began to turn to the door. 

"Hey," Kyoya stopped me. He cupped both my cheeks and brought me into a passionate kiss. I instantly kissed back and held onto his hips. "I love you," he stated after pulling away. 

"I love you too," I responded in a tone quieter than his. His hands dropped down to his sides, so I pulled away. 

"Aww," Fuyumi cooed from behind me. I turned around and subconsciously wrapped my tail around Kyoya's torso. Both of his brothers and his father was standing with Fuyumi. 

"Pathetic," Kyoya's older brother whispered and glared at me. I glared back and opened my mouth to say something back. Kyoya's hand clamped over my mouth before I could speak. 

"Please don't insult our relationship in front of us, thank you," Kyoya spoke with a bitter tone. His hand unclamped my mouth, and his arms rested over my shoulder. I crossed my arms over my chest and avoided eye contact with all of my boyfriend's relatives. I uncoiled my tail from Kyoya and wrapped it around my hips instead. 

"Come over again, Naozane," Fuyumi beamed and waved. "I promise, Yuuichi will be nicer next time." 

"Ugh, I doubt that," I grumbled and scratched my ear.  "Thank you, Fuyumi-san. I should get home soon." 

"Hold on. I've never been properly introduced to you," Kyoya's father said. He stepped closer. The stern looking man held his hand out to shake mine, so I did. "I hope you're not distracting Kyoya too much. He already wastes his time enough at his is." 

"I can assure you, Kyoya's very hardworking," I replied with fake happiness. "We were just working on a school project." 

"He was sleeping," Yuuichi cut in.

"We were taking a break. We still got plenty of work done," I argued. 

"Lay off them, Yuuichi," Fuyumi whispered and nudged his shoulder. 

"He insulted me," the eldest Ootori retorted. 

"Of course he did. You provoked him. You insulted Kyoya and their relationship," Akito responded. Their father was unphased about what the three were arguing about. 


"Naozane should be getting home now. It's getting late, and it is a school night," Kyoya said and cut off his siblings' bickering. Kyoya opened to the door and motioned for me to step outside with him. 

"Kyoya, a word," his father called out. 

"Can't it wait?" Kyoya replied. I followed him outside and ran my fingers through my hair. "Naozane," Kyoya started. 

"I'm sorry if I caused any problems," I cut him off. Kyoya shook his head and brought me into a hug. He rested his chin on my shoulder and sighed contently. 

"Don't worry about anything. It's all going to be fine," he said reassuringly. "Text me when you get home safely, and try to get some sleep tonight." 

"Okay, I will," I replied. I was too nervous to sleep. My insomnia has gotten better ever since we started dating, but that didn't mean I haven't had a few restless nights. 

"Okay. Bye, Kitten," Kyoya hummed. He pecked my forehead, and I sent him a small smile to show him I was okay. 


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